Generator Temperature Monitoring
signal conditioned at the LOCOP. They are
transmitted to the ECSS for monitoring.
Nine copper RTDs are embedded in the
generator stator winding slots. The three-wire lead
of each RTD is brought to an internal terminal
The model 104 and the model 139 use different
board. A rotary selector switch and a temperature
voltage regulators. The major components of the
indicator are mounted on the LOCOP for
voltage regulators are mounted in the generator
monitoring six stator winding temperatures. The
or in the GCU. The GCU is mounted in the same
three remaining RTDs serve as spares.
area as the SWBD.
A tip-sensitive RTD is embedded in the babbitt
Model 104 Voltage Regulation
of each generator bearing. A terminal assembly,
The following four items are the major
connector, and straight plug are provided for each
components of the model 104 voltage regulator
RTD. A rotary selector switch and temperature
(fig. 3-29):
indicator, mounted on the LOCOP, selects and
monitors the two bearing temperatures. Both
1. Static exciter/voltage regulator assembly
deck mounted near the associated SWBD
Figure 3-29.--Model 104 voltage regulator functional diagram.