2. When a casualty or other unusual conditions
periodically cleaning the sight flow indicator glass, you
can prevent oil and dirt accumulation.
3. When the engineer officer is relieved of his or
her duties
cleaning of shock mounts and snubbers is covered by
the PMS. For this maintenance requirement, you will
Remember, it is extremely important for all persons
need to keep the rubber portions of the mounts and
involved in an MRG inspection to adhere strictly to the
snubbers free of paint, dirt, and oils, and to coat them
prescribed safety and security guidelines. Safety is an
with a silicone type of lubricant.
extremely important factor in this inspection. You or
another technician may be required to climb around on
must also clean the attached pump angle drives. This
the MRG while accompanying the engineer officer on
requirement coincides with the overall external cleaning
this inspection. Another important factor is security.
of the MRG. Remember, each drive unit has two
While the MRG covers are open, all other work that
access/inspection covers, and they can develop leaks.
might possibly interfere with the MRG inspection must
be stopped. A controlled area must be set up around the
MRG. A watch, consisting of E-5 personnel or above,
clean the external portion of the vent fog precipitator at
must be posted to check all personnel and equipment
the same time you perform the overall external cleaning
entering and leaving this area.
of the MRG. Normally, all other maintenance will be
performed by the GSEs. Because the MRG casing will
ATTACHED COMPONENTS. In addition to the
be open when the vent fog precipitator is removed, you
MRG, you must also inspect the attached components
may be called upon to be a safety or security observer.
for proper operation. In the following paragraphs, we
DEHUMIDIFIER. Even though the dehumidifier
will look at a few of these components.
is not physically attached to the MRG, its cleanliness is
Sight Flow Indicators. Although it is simple in
an important requirement. Technically, the cleanliness
design, the sight flow indicator will be a very valuable
of the air filters is what is so important. For the unit to
tool for you in your responsibilities as watch stander.
operate efficiently and to provide the MRG with the
This small, installed component will allow you to check
maximum protection from moisture, make sure the
the oil flow and oil temperature coming from the
cleaning requirements listed in the PMS are consistently
bearing. While the MRG is operating, you must check
the bearing oil flow and oil temperature at least once an
TURNING GEAR. Cleaning the turning gear is
usually a part of the overall cleaning of the MRG.
Shock Mounts and Snubbers. Although they are
Keeping the turning gear clean will make it easier for
often ignored because they are out of sight, the shock
you to identify any leaks that might develop from the
mounts and snubbers not only maintain the proper
various flanges and inspection cover plates.
mounting and alignment of the MRG but also reduce the
noise signature of the MRG, which would otherwise be
Inspections and Tests
transferred to the hull. The noise reduction feature is
especially significant in antisubmarine warfare (ASW).
The MRG and its components should be inspected
Because shock mounts and snubbers play such
and tested quite frequently. While in operation, the MRG
important roles, they should not be ignored. As a good
and its components are inspected hourly. Remember,
technician, you should avoid the "out of sight, out of
almost all inspections and tests of these components are
mind" thinking you may encounter in other technicians
requirements of the PMS. Let's take a look at some of
regarding the maintenancc of these components. While
these components and the most important points you
inspecting these components according to the PMS, pay
should watch for while you are inspecting and testing
close attention to details. By giving proper attention to
the MRG.
details, you are doing your job to make certain these
components do not fail prematurely.
inspection is the most important inspection you will
Attached Pump Angle Drive. According to the
perform. Generally, an MRG internal inspection will
PMS, you will occasionally be required to inspect the
take place at the following times:
attached pump angle drive. Because you must open the
MRG casing to perform this inspection, you are required
1. At least once a quarter