ALLISON 501-K17 AND 501-K34
As a GSM2, you will need to be familiar with not
only the basic construction and function of the electric
To be proficient as a GSM2, you will need a
plant on board your ship but also the basic
well-rounded knowledge of the operations and routine
troubleshooting techniques and repair procedures.
maintenance requirements for both the Allison 501-K17
Several different electric plants exist on gas
and 501-K34. This chapter will discuss some basic
turbine-powered ships. Some are diesel powered, like
engine operations and frequently performed
those installed on FFG-class ships. The majority,
maintenance and repair requirements. For a better
however, are gas turbine powered, with the Allison
understanding of the information presented in this
section, we recommend you review the construction,
501-K17 GTE being the most widely used.
design, and operations information on the Allison
After reading the information in this chapter, you
501-K17 provided in chapter 3 of Gas Turbine Systems
should be able to answer basic questions in regard to
Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas Turbine Systems
the basic design, operations, and maintenance and
Technician (Mechanical) 3, Volume 2, NAVEDTRA
repair responsibilities for the power-generating prime
movers and generators installed on gas turbine-
powered ships.
On the CG- and DDG-51 class ships, ship's service
electric power is provided by three 2,500-kW GTGSs.
As the most widely used prime mover, the Allison
On the DD- and DDG-993 class ships, except for USS
501-K17 GTE is installed on the CG-47, DD-963, and
Paul E Foster, ship's service electric power is provided
by three 2,000-kW GTGSs. USS Paul F. Foster has a
DDG-993 class ships. The Allison 501-K34, a modified
fourth GTGS, model 170, which is a modified version
version of the K17, is installed on the latest addition to
of model 104. For detailed information on this GTGS,
the fleet, the DDG-51 class ships.
refer to the current edition of NAVSEA technical
The Garrett ME 831-800A GTE is installed on the
manual, Description, Operation and Installation,
PHM-class ships. The LCAC-class ships use the
Model 104 Gas Turbine Generator Set, S9234-BC-
Sunstrand TX32T-40-7 GTE. On FFG-chss ships, the
electric power is supplied by the Detroit Diesel 16V149.
For the CG-, DDG-51, DD-, and DDG-993 class
Throughout this chapter, we will focus on areas that
ships, under normal operating conditions, any two
you, the GSM, should understand to be able to carry out
generators can supply the entire ship's demand. The
your basic responsibilities to maintain these prime
third GTGS can be set up in auto standby, allowing it to
movers in an operational state of readiness. The
come on the line automatically in case either of the two
information provided in this TRAMAN and in Gas
on-line GTGSS should fail.
Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas Turbine
Systems Technician (Mechanical) 3 should help you
identify the equipment, systems, and components these
On the CG-, DD-, and DDG-993 class ships, the No.
plants have in common and recognize their individual
1 GTGS and the No. 2 GTGS are located in the No. 1
differences. In each case, we will discuss your role as a
and No. 2 engine rooms, respectively, on the second
GSM in the cleaning and maintenance requirements,
platform level. They are located opposite the main
tests and inspections, troubleshooting and repair
engines. The No. 3 GTGS is located in the No. 3
techniques, and removal and replacement of selected
generator room at the first platform level.
components. Let's start with the electric plant for the
most commonly used GTE, the Allison 501-K17, and its
On the DDG-51 class ships, the No. 1 GTGS is
located in auxiliary machinery room (AMR) No. 1. The
modified version, the Allison 501-K34.