bow. The two aft systems provide hydraulic power to
Compressed air system
the stern.
Seawater system
In the event of major damage, a dual hydraulic
power supply can be provided for each system function
with subsystem isolation forward and aft. If loss of
Let's take a closer look at each of these systems and
hydraulic pressure from the primary hydraulic source
how they interface with the engineering plant.
should occur, hydraulic pressure for maintaining
foilborne operations is automatically supplied from the
standby source.
The PHM fuel system delivers diesel fuel, marine
(DFM) or JP5 to the hullborne propulsion diesel
engines, to the foilborne propulsion GTE, and to the
The compressed air system provides pressurized air
SSPUs. The fuel is supplied from dockside or tender
to various components and systems that require
sources through the main deck port or starboard fuel
replenishment fill stations. It is piped to four integral
units, components, and systems must receive
hull tanks at a rate of 250 gpm without spill or tank
pressurized air for the following purposes:
overpressure. From the tanks, the fuel is distributed to
the engines or SSPUs through a cross-feed piping and
controls system. The distribution system is serviced by
hydraulic reservoirs
one of three pumping systems. Each pumping system
Foilborne ACS for pressurization of components
consists of the following units:
and cabling
1. Four ac-powered pumps
Windshield washer system for pressurization of
2. Two dc-powered pumps, used as engine-starting
the window washing fluid storage tank
fuel delivery pumps and standby pumps
Service outlets for varying maintenance
3. One emergency operation hydraulic pump
For operation and underway replenishment
Seawater system, hullborne diesel engine
operations, fuel system control is accomplished at the
seawater sea chest blowdown lines, and bilge
fuel system panel at the EOS console. Defueling
drainage system for pressurized operation of
operations are manually controlled by operation of local
air-actuating valves and valve-actuating
and manually-operated valves. The onboard fuel can be
dewatered and the particulate removed by passing the
fuel through an onboard fuel purifier. The fuel can be
Pressurized air to the compressed air system is
removed from any tank passed through the purifier and
supplied from the following two sources:
returned to any tank, including the tank from which the
1. Second-stage bleed air at a flow rate of 120 psi
fuel was originally removed. The fuel purification
at 600F from either of the two SSPUs. This is
process is controlled from either the FUEL PURIFIER
the primary source of compressed air. Passing
panel in the EOS or the FUEL PURIFIER LOCAL
CONTROL BOX in auxiliary machinery room No. 2.
air supply to cool down to 86F.
The fuel purifier can process about 25 gallons of fuel
per minute.
compressed air system at a flow rate of 60 to 90
psi. This is the secondary source of pressurized
air. It should be used only when the SSPUs are
not supplying a minimum airflow rate of 60 psi
To operate, the foilborne and hullborne controls,
or are supplying bleed air to the ship's
foils, capstan, and foilborne emergency fuel pump all
propulsion de-icing system.
require hydraulic power. Normally, the 3,000-psi
Pressurized air from both sources must be dried,
hydraulic power supply needed to meet these
requirements is provided by four separate systems. The
filtered, and pressure-regulated as required before
two forward systems provide hydraulic power to the
entering into the various systems and components.