Figure 6-34.--SSPU local control (emergency)
section provides meters to indicate the operating oil
temperature, oil pressure, exhaust gas temperature,
and percent speed of each SSPU engine. Filter
assemblies, located on the side of the center panel,
generated in the exhaust gas temperature meter
Figure 6-33.--SSPU control panel.
transducers and transmission lines. The panel lower
section provides switch controls to start, run, and
Fuel System
stop both engines. This section also contains fault
indicators that illuminate to display the cause of the
The SSPU fuel system automatically
fault if an operating fault should occur.
regulates fuel flow to maintain constant engine speed
and safe operating temperatures under varying
Local Control Panel
application. If the fuel supply pressure decreases to 4
The SSPU local control panel is shown in
psig, a LOW FUEL PRESSURE indicator on the EOS
panel will illuminate.
same space as the SSPU and allows operation of the
SSPU from that location under emergency conditions.
Control Panel
The SSPU local control panel includes a LOCAL/EOS
switch. The local operator can use this switch to
Th e c on tr ol pan el for eac h SSPU is
select where SSPU operational control will take
loc ated in th e EO S. Th is pan el is div ided in to
place. The SSPU local control panel also includes a
master switch for START/STOP/RUN operations and
top sec tion pr ov ides sw itc h es for SSPU de-
a dc circuit breaker. Also located on the SSPU
ic ing and eng in e w ash fu n c tions. The c en ter