Remember, the information in this chapter is
One of the most remarkable design features of a gas
intended for training and advancement study only. It is
turbine-powered ship is that the engineering plant can
not intended to replace the engineering operational
be controlled from a central area located away from the
sequencing system (EOSS) or the appropriate technical
actual equipment and systems. This central location,
manuals for your ship's equipment and systems. In this
known as the central control station (CCS), is your ship's
chapter, we will provide you with an overview of the
primary control watch station for operating nearly all the
consoles of the three major engineering control systems
equipment in the engineering plant. Any of your ship's
used on gas turbine-powered ships. We will not discuss
engineering systems that are not controlled in the CCS
these consoles in depth. For a detailed description, we
can at least be monitored there. The CCS system not
recommend you review Gas Turbine Systems
only allows for efficient watch standing but also permits
Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas Turbine Systems
the engineering officer of the watch (EOOW) and the
Technician (Mechanical) 3, Volume 2, NAVEDTRA
propulsion, electrical, and damage control watch
standers of your ship to have a quicker and more
comprehensive look at the vital parameters of all
engineering equipment and systems. In all gas
turbine-powered ships, the foundation of the CCS is the
engineering control system.
T h e engineering control systems on gas
In all gas turbine-powered ships, the CCS is the
turbine-powered ships come in three major designs. The
main operating station from which the engineering plant
design of the control system is based on the class of ship.
can be monitored and controlled. The specific control
The DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships use the
consoles located in the CCS will vary, however,
engineering control and surveillance system (ECSS) to
depending on the class of ship. On the DD-963,
operate their gas turbine equipment. The FFG-7 class
DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships, the propulsion and
ships use the engineering plant control system (EPCS)
auxiliary control console (PACC), electric plant control
to both operate and monitor their gas turbine equipment.
console (EPCC), fuel system control console (FSCC),
The relatively new DDG-51 class ships use the
and damage control console (DCC) are located in the
machinery control system (MCS) to both control and
CCS. On the DDG-51 class ships, the PACC, EPCC,
monitor their gas turbine equipment. In your career as a
engineering officer of the watch/logging unit
GSM, you may not be directly involved with all of these
(EOOW/LU), and DCC are located in the CCS. On the
control systems. You should, however, be aware of each
FFG-7 class ships, the propulsion control console
of these systems and how they relate to the engineering
(PCC), EPCC, auxiliary control console (ACC), and
plant. Of course, as you advance in the GS rating, you
DCC are located in the CCS. In this chapter, we will
should also be aware of certain watch-standing
briefly discuss some basic operations performed from
requirements associated with these systems.
the major control consoles located in the CCS. We will
After reading this chapter, you should have a good
begin our discussion with the CCS control consoles
understanding of the function and operation of the three
found on the DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships.
major engineering control systems used on gas
Next, we will describe those found on the DDG-51 class
turbine-powered ships. You should also be able to
ships. Last, we will talk about the ones on the FFG-7
discuss how each of these control systems interacts with
class ships. We will provide you with a fundamental
the equipment and systems of the ship's engineering
overview of these consoles. For a detailed description
plant. Although you may not work on all these systems,
of operating procedures for specific control consoles,
the knowledge you gain from this chapter should help
we recommend you refer to the EOSS, engineering
you to both study for advancement and prepare for your
operational procedures (EOP), and appropriate
watch-standing qualifications as you become senior in
technical manuals for your ship's equipment and
the GS rating.