the front of a single log sheet to record the dates that
Boiler Water/Feedwater Test and Treatment
Chemical Inventory Log
testing was not needed. You should also include a
remark stating why testing was not necessary.
Treatment Chemical Inventory Log shown in figure
Waste Heat Boiler Water Chemistry
2-20 provides a record and monthly inventory of
test and treatment chemicals. As shown in views A
and B of the log, each standard, treatment
chemical, and stock chemical must be accounted
The Waste Heat Boiler Water Chemistry
for monthly. This log, when properly maintained,
Worksheet/Log is started daily and should contain any
is a valuable asset the oil lab can use to keep the
significant event or action that took place in regard to
test and treatment chemical stocks properly rotated
and as fresh as possible.
A sample of a Waste Heat Boiler Water Chemistry
Jacket Water Log
A and B that both the front and back sides of this log
contain sections for data on chemical test results, chemical
An example of a Diesel Engine Jacket Cooling
treatments, blowdowns, steaming hours, and remarks.
As shown in views A and B, you will use both the front
Reserve/Makeup Feedwater
and the back to record data.
Tests Log
This is a monthly log, consisting of the following
A sample of the Reserve/Makeup Feedwater Tests
1. Chemical Test Results: You must maintain this
section on a 2400-hour clock basis. You should enter the
log, displayed in views A and B, contain sections for
date and time for the following actions:
c h e m i c a l test results for salinity indicator
a. Completion of jacket water sampling
comparisons and shore source feedwater (steam
condensate or processed feedwater) quality. This log
b. Completion of draining a portion of jacket
is normally prepared daily unless all of the feedwater
tanks are empty. If all of the tanks are empty and no
c. Completion of dumping the entire jacket
testing is required, enter the inclusive dates on the
water system
front of the log and give the reason in the remarks
d. Completion of freshly filling
e. Completion of water additions
Fuel and Water Report
Make sure you use the appropriate codes listed on the
back of the log for all entries. Both the tester and the
EOOW/EDO must enter their initials when the tests are
The Fuel and Water Report, shown in figure
2-19, is a daily report of the fuel and water status
the oil lab must prepare to reflect these conditions
2. Chemical Treatment: Make appropriate entries
at 0000 hours. The commanding officer receives
for the following information:
this report daily. The report contains data, such as
a. Amount of Nalcool 2000 required
total fuel and lube oil on board and the amount of
potable water and reserve feedwater on board. The
b. Date and time of completion of the chemical
Fuel and Water Report also includes the previous
day's feedwater and potable water consumption
Circle all out-of-limits readings. Make sure the person
figures and the results of the water tests. The
who performed the chemical treatment calculations has
officer of the deck (OOD) receives the original
initialed the results.
copy in time for submission to the commanding
3. Remarks: This section should describe
officer or command duty officer with the 12
significant events related to the jacket cooling water
o'clock reports. The OOD retains the copy.