The oil lab will use the fuel sample log in a continuing
includes spaces for recording the results of all shipboard
shipboard QA program to document the ship's QA
fuel tests. Whenever test results exceed maximum
control limits, the entries should include notations that
corrective actions have been taken.
The fuel management log should include the
following important categories:
Because of the importance of good quality
1. A sequential listing of sample analyses, in-
lubricating oil, the Lube Oil Management Program was
developed. The guidelines for this program are
presented in the form of an instruction. Although this
a. visual inspections,
instruction may vary somewhat in the procedures it
includes, the goals are the same. To accomplish these
b. shipboard analyses, and
goals, gas turbine ships must maintain lubricating oil
c. laboratory analyses.
(LO) logs.
2. An operational procedures check-off list
Samples of lubricating oil should be taken at
3. Centrifugal purifier cleaning actions
definite intervals to determine whether the oil meets all
requirements. The results of the samples must be entered
4. Prefilter and filter/separator replacement actions
in the proper log as specified in the Lube Oil
Management Program.
The information in the fuel management log serves
Naval Oil Analysis Program Logs
as an important part of shipboard maintenance. It aids
in the prevention of delivery of contaminated fuel to the
The Naval Oil Analysis Program (NOAP) was
gas turbine engines.
developed for off-ship analysis. Under the computerized
NOAP, special oil sampling techniques, sample
JP-5 Fuel Sample Log
equipment, sample markings, and shipping instructions
are prescribed for shipboard machinery systems
Since most gas turbine ships can support
assigned to this program. All NOAP oil samples must
helicopters, an aviation fuel (JP-5) system is installed.
be handled exactly as prescribed in the existing NOAP
directives. These directives can be found in your current
As we mentioned earlier, fuel quality requirements are
type commander's instructions.
more critical and extensive for JP-5 fuel than for other
fuels. Minute amounts of dirt and water in the fuel can
Diesel Oil Log
cause engine failures. To monitor for these conditions,
the oil lab should maintain a fuel sample log. This log
For each shipboard diesel engine, the viscosity and
must include a sequential listing of samples submitted
reaction (acidity) test results must be recorded in the
for testing and the results of the tests as they are reported
diesel engine oil test log, such as the one shown in figure
by the testing laboratory. The oil lab should include the
2-14. The oil lab must maintain a separate oil test log for
following information in the JP-5 sample log:
each shipboard diesel engine.
Identification of the ship submitting the sample
(name and hull number)
Type of fuel
The importance of maintaining accurate boiler
Date the sample is drawn
water and feedwater chemistry logs and records must
not be underestimated. The engineer officer and his or
Name of the person drawing the sample
her assistants use the data reflected in these logs to
measure the performance, stability, efficiency, and state
Fueling station number or filter/separator
of material readiness of the engineering plant.
Remember, the decision-making process involved in an
Heading: Aviation Fuel Sample Sediment and
effective water chemistry program aboard your ship will
Flash Point
be supported by the information in these logs.