Figure 2-13.--Suggested fuel management log.
engineering reports to higher authority. Reviewing
however, leaks can develop in the waste heat
the logs, records, and reports will allow the engineer
exchanger and jacket water will enter the waste heat
officer an easy and effective method of keeping
water system. If a leak develops, you must have it
informed of the state of the equipment in the
repaired as soon as possible. The nitrite concentration
level must not exceed 25 ppm for any reason. There is
a good reason for this concern. Both nitrites and
Proper administration of the oil laboratory logs,
berates are poisonous. Both of these toxins could
records, and reports system requires the regular and
enter the ship's potable water system through the
conscientious attention of all oil lab personnel. The
heat exchangers of the distillers.
person filling out the log or record must have
knowledge of both the material recorded or reported
To summarize, we have discussed the basic
and the correct method of documentation. Your
procedures you should use to sample, test, and
engineer officer has a record reference file containing
analyze the quality of the fuels, oils, and water
complete information on the methods of maintaining
supplies received, stored, and prepared for use aboard
these important records.
your ship. In the next section, we will tell you about
some of the responsibilities you
will have for
documenting the quality of these important supplies.
Stringent fuel quality requirements protect gas
turbine engines from serious damage, such as
corrosion of the gas turbine hot section, fouling of
The logs and records you will maintain in the oil
engine controls, and plugging of fuel nozzles.
lab are apart of the Navy's record system. This
Maintaining a fuel oil (FO) test log system helps the
system will help you improve your record keeping
Fuel Management Log
Accurate, legible, and up-to-date logs and records
plus the timely submission of accurate and legible
An example of a fuel management log is shown in
reports reflect efficient administration of the oil
laboratory. Remember, the logs and records
maintained by the oil laboratory provide the data for