Figure 2-14.--Diesel Engine Lube Oil Testing Log.
2-15. Notice in view A that the log contains the
The engineering department of your ship will need
signatures of verifying they have reviewed the
both the engineer officer and the commanding officer,
package. On the reverse side of the cover sheet (view
specific data to maintain the proper water conditions
B) are the proper data entries for the boiler. These
in the waste heat steam plant. The three logs you will
entries include information such as total steaming
use to record and maintain these data are:
hours, safety valve settings, and water chemistry
1. Cover Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data Log
Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log
2. Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log
The Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log contains
3. Waste
the daily chemical condition of the waste heat boiler
feedwater system. The information you will record in
this log includes the results of chemical tests, salinity
4. Reserve/Makeup Feedwater Tests Log
indicator comparisons, shore steam and shore
feedwater chemical test data, and remarks.
5. Fuel and Water Report
A sample of the Feedwater Chemistry
6. Boiler Water/Feedwater Test and Treatment
Chemical Inventory Log
the data entries are made on the front side (view A)
and the section for remarks is on the reverse side
To be an effective engineer, you should be familiar
(view B).
with the purpose, content, and general procedures for
each of these logs. Let's take a brief look at each of
You must start a Feedwater Chemistry
Worksheet/Log daily for each feedwater and
Cover Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data Log
condensate system in operation. A daily log is not
needed, however, for a system that is not in
operation. In this case, just use
You must prepare a cover sheet and Monthly
Boiler Data log sheet, such as the one shown in figure