Figure 2-12.--Treatment logic chart for steaming waste heat boilers.
0.025 epm alkalinity and 5 ppm phosphate. When the
hideout are a decrease in all of the boiler water
boiler is secured, make sure it is drained and flushed
parameters. These symptoms are usually associated
repeatedly until a sample of the flush water shows
with an increase in generator load. When the load is
the chemical levels to be within limits. Continual
reduced, the chemical levels increase. Another
hideout that occurs at all generator loads may be
symptom is a large increase in the alkalinity or the
caused by excessive waterside deposits. When this
phosphate after the boiler is secured.
happens, inspect the boiler watersides to see if there
is a need for chemical cleaning.
Do not mistake the symptoms of carryover for
hideout. If you suspect chemical hideout, secure the
Chemical Carryover.-- With waste heat boilers,
boiler and allow it to cool. Recirculate the boiler
water for about 5 minutes and then obtain a boiler
a certain amount of boiler water carryover is a
water sample. If the chemical level more than
common occurrence. Waste heat boilers are supposed
doubles, then hideout is confirmed.
to have less than 1 percent carryover. In reality,
however, many waste heat boilers have much higher
Occasional incidents of hideout are normal when
levels. When high levels of carryover treatment
the generator is operating at high load. Reducing the
generator load will stop the hideout. Do not continue
condensate system, deposits can form in the steam
to batch inject treatment chemicals if hideout has
lines, causing
been confirmed. Maintain a minimum of at least