Figure 6-8.-Physical arrangement of the LCAC bow thruster control system.
switch, labeled RUDDER A/B, allows the operator to
control components. The operator can use either
choose between channels of the CSEP in case of an
CSEP A or CSEP B to route a rudder control signal.
emergency or system fault.
The rudder position drive assembly contains a valve
coil, hydraulic drive servomotor, and feedback
INDICATORS. Indicators are provided on the
potentiometer. The CSEP sends an electrical drive
alarm and monitor system (AMS) cathode ray tube
signal to the electric drive servomotor through the
(CRT) display monitor, The display monitor is located
valve coil to position the rudders. As the rudders are
at the engineer control station. The indicators include
positioned, a feedback signal goes to the CSEP. When
the following:
the feedback signal is equal and opposite to the drive
signal, the rudders are in the desired position.
Rudder control failure
RUDDER BLADES. The craft's two rudders arc
Port and starboard hydraulic reservoir low
mounted vertically across the trailing edge of each
propeller shroud. The rudder blades are broad, flat,
Port and starboard hydraulic pressure low
aerodynamic, movable devices that measure 10.4 feet
long and 2.3 feet wide. The rudder blades allow the
Bow Thruster Control System
operator to maneuver the craft by deflecting the
The purpose of the bow thruster control system is
to allow the operator to turn the bow of the craft and
to move the craft in close places. This system is
The rudder channel selector switch is located on the
extremely useful when the operator must dock and
command and control (C&C) keyboard at the
undock the LCAC in the dry well of the support ship
engineer station. This