Now that you have read about the controls available
This station can be the PACC, SCU, or the bridge control
at the PACC, let's take a look at the ones available at the
unit (BCU). Throttle/pitch control is unified under the
programmed control and order difference computer
program functions when the NORMAL PRO-
GRAMMED MODE is selected. Throttle and pitch
controls are separated, and only available at the SCU,
when the LOCKOUT MANUAL MODE is selected.
The EPCC provides centralized control of the ship's
Brake mode control is available in both modes.
electric plant. The electric plant on the DDG-51 class
However, brake engagement requires additional
ships consists of the SSGTGs and the bus distribution
operator action when LOCKOUT MANUAL is
equipment. These features include a panel arrangement
selected. The LOCKOUT MANUAL MODE places
of SSGTG controls and display devices in three groups,
unit control at the SCU and inhibits control station
one for each generator. Each group also has controls and
indicators for generator circuit breaker operation and
Programmed control is the normal method of
status. Load shedding, shore power switching, and a
visual synchronization presentation for all power
controlling a DDG-51 class ship's speed. Programmed
sources are added features. Limited status of each
control allows the operator to use a single lever to
air-conditioning plant status is displayed, and restart
position the controllable pitch propeller (CPP) blades
controls for each plant are provided. The major electrical
and GTE power lever angle (PLA) for a propulsion
generation and distribution equipment is located in
shaft. TWO programmed control levers are available at
the PACC. The port and starboard programmed control
auxiliary machinery room (AMR) No. 1, MER No. 2,
levers at the PACC maybe latched to ensure the shaft
and the generator room. Each of these spaces contains
horsepower is equal. The programmed control levers
one SSGTG and its associated switchboard.
have a TRIM potentiometer for fine throttle/pitch
An integral AN/UYK-44(V) computer provides for
control and monitoring of the electric plant. The MCS
requires that the electric plant remain operable if the
The programmed control computer program
function is designed for fuel economy. To provide this
EPCC computer fails. So, many switch functions are
fuel economy, the programmed control has been divided
hardwired rather than using the DMS. The wiring is
from the EPCC to the controlled device in the generator
into two operating regions: (1) the modulate
spaces. The required electric plant sensors are also
transmission mode used for slower ahead and astern
hardwired to the EPCC panel indicators to provide
thrust settings, and (2) the modulate engine mode used
for faster ahead and astern settings.
status. An EPCC computer failure will cause a loss of
electrical plant alarm detection, EPCC and DMS
Independent Auxiliaries Systems
The EPCC contains the controls and indicators that
the operator can use for remote operating and
The independent auxiliaries are systems controlled
monitoring of the ship's service power generation and
and/or monitored through an SCU, which do not have a
distribution systems. Figure 3-7 shows the locations of
direct impact on the propulsion and propulsion auxiliary
the control and indicator panels of the EPCC. We will
equipment. The seawater cooling system pumps are the
briefly discuss the following control systems that are
only independent auxiliaries controlled from the PACC.
operated from the EPCC:
The following independent auxiliaries are associated
1. SSGTG control and monitoring
with the MCS system:
1. Seawater cooling system
2. Electrical distribution monitoring and control
3. Circuit breaker operation
4. Gas turbine control
3. Freshwater service system
4. Air-conditioning/chill-water system
5. Generator control
6. Load shedding system operation
5. High-pressure air system
7. A/C plant operation
6. Ship's service air system
8. 400-Hz power system operation
7. Internal communication system