Figure 3-5.--TOPS control panel.
For a detailed description of the operation of the
synchronized parallel operation is enabled.
appropriate technical manual for the 60/400-Hz
Closure of bus tie breaker is enabled.
2. SHUTDOWN - The converter is off. An
You have just read about the two major control
alarm or the operator has stopped the
consoles in the CCS on the DD-963, DDG-993, and
CG-47 class ships: the PACC and the EPCC. In the
following section, we will talk about CCS monitoring
3. COOLANT FLOW LOW - Summary alarm
and control operations for the DDG-51 class ships. As
of all three liquid cooling mediums. The
you study this section, try to recognize the
flow is low or has stopped.
similarities and differences in the design and
operational characteristics of the CCS consoles for the
4. TEMPERATURE HIGH - Summary of
DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships and those
high-temperature shutdown alarms.
of the DDG-51 class ships.
5. LOCAL CONTROL - Control of the
converter input and output breakers is at
the converter master control unit.
The CCS on the DDG-51 class ships is also located
remotely from the machinery spaces. The CCS is the
6. CCS IN CONTROL - Control of converter
main operating station from which the engineering
input and output breakers is at the EPCC.
plant, with the exception of the steering system, can
be controlled and monitored. On the DDG-51 class
7. CURRENT - A meter shows the converter
ships, the three major consoles of the engineering
amperage to a maximum of 481 amps.
plant are the PACC, the EPCC, and the EOOW/LU.
The PACC can