bearings, and (2) they must be performed at specified
and the earlier sections of this TRAMAN. In the
following paragraphs, we will discuss FO service
system maintenance and repair. We will provide you
Routine inspections include checking equipment
with some helpful hints for both preventive and
ground straps, screws, nuts, and bolts. They also include
corrective maintenance of your ship's FO service
such tasks as checking oil reservoirs for proper levels
system. Remember, propulsion plant equipment and
and checking front panel indicators and bulbs for proper
systems will vary among the different classes of ships.
operation. These inspections require you to perform a
For this reason, we will discuss the tests, inspections,
direct analysis as you are doing the check To perform
and maintenance procedures in general terms. For
an inspection, you will use only your human
specific guidelines, you should consult the EOSS and
senses-especially sight, touch, and hearing-to make a
other authorized technical publications for your ship.
direct examination and judgment concerning the
Now, let's talk about some general aspects of preventive
operating condition of a system or piece of equipment.
To perform a test, however, you must also use an
instrument to make a determination.
Preventive Maintenance
TESTING. Testing of mechanical or electrical
equipment usually involves the use of calibrated
Simply stated, preventive maintenance is taking the
instruments to monitor and record data. By observing
necessary planned steps so you can remove or reduce
the responses and indications of the test instruments, and
the possibility y of equipment failure. These actions will
by comparing the data with established standards, you
help prolong the useful life of your ship's equipment.
can determine if the device or circuit is operating
All the preventive maintenance actions or steps you will
need to perform can be grouped into the following three
The difference between a test and an inspection is
basic categories:
that a test requires the use of an instrument (portable or
1. Routine maintenance
installed) to indicate the necessary information. This
information represents a form or function of energy that
2. Testing
is not perceivable by human senses. Using the
3. Adjusting
information provided by the instrument, you can make
In the following paragraphs, we will briefly discuss
an examination or analysis of the equipment or system
each of these categories. To acquire a more in-depth
you are checking.
knowledge of preventive maintenance, including the
ADJUSTING. The adjusting of mechanical or
planning and scheduling of routine maintenance,
electrical equipment is a broad area that encompasses
testing, and adjusting of equipment, we recommend you
all phases of the following actions:
review the discussion of the Planned Maintenance
System (PMS) in GSE3/GSM3, Volume 1, NAVEDTRA
Rearranging or changing a function or
10563. We also recommend you review the Ships'
Maintenance and Material Management (3-M)
Aligning circuits by adjusting two or more
Manual, OPNAVINST 4790.4.
sections of a circuit or system so their functions
are properly synchronized
nance is carrying out the special procedures you must
use for inspecting, cleaning, and lubricating equipment.
Calibrating circuits in which you check circuits
or instruments of a given standard of accuracy
These procedures are special because you must use the
approved and standard methods to perform the required
against standards of higher accuracy, and then
maintenance actions. For example, you must use certain
align or adjust them accordingly
approved methods for cleaning and lubricating ball
Anytime you change, align, or calibrate the mechanical
bearings. When a ball bearing needs lubricating, you
or electrical equipment you are checking for operational
must first clean it and then use the proper lubricant to
effectiveness, you are performing preventive mainte-
lubricate it. Included in the instructions you must use for
lubricating ball bearings are charts specifying the
Remember, all categories of preventive mainte-
approved lubricants and their uses. These approved
nance are designed to help you to avoid mechanical and
methods are considered to be routine because (1) they
are the authorized procedures for lubricating ball
electrical problems before they start. In spite of the best