section will be brief and will pertain primarily to the
inspections for these valves are the same as the ones we
FFG-7 system's major components. All maintenance
described earlier in this chapter. Remember, the
discussed in this section normally will be covered under
temperature of the water in the waste heat circulation
the PMS.
system is maintained by the SSDG jacket water
temperature regulating valves. This means that most of
Cleaning. The cleaning requirements for this
your tests and inspections will require the operation of
system are no different from those for the steam systems
the SSDG jacket water system and waste heat water
we have already discussed. Most of the cleaning you will
be involved in will pertain to the exterior of the system
components. For example, valve maintenance (PMS)
Supplementary Heaters. As mentioned earlier,
procedures contain cleaning as one of the first steps you
the supplementary heaters are used to boost the waste
will perform. In this system, valve cleaning will be
heat water temperature to its normal operating range
approximately 90 percent of all your maintenance
when there is an large demand on the system or the
SSDGs are secured. Heaters should be frequently
inspected while in operation. Perform all tests and
Removal and Replacement of Components. You
functional checks according to the PMS and applicable
will probably remove and replace the relief valves in the
manufacturer's technical manual.
FFG-7 system more frequently than any other
component. Just like the safeties in the steam system,
Relief Valves. There are only three relief valves
the relief valves must be periodically tested in place and
installed in the FFG-7 system. One is installed on each
removed annually to be tested and repaired as needed.
of the two supplementary heaters and one is installed on
the compression tank. These valves must be periodically
All other components of this system, such as the
tested in place. They should also be removed annually
supplementary heating elements, temperature control
and delivered to a repair facility for testing and
valves, and circulating pumps, will only be removed or
replaced because of component failure or as part of the
inspection. Remember, no matter where the tests are
ship's overall planned maintenance program.
performed or who performs them, they all must be
accomplished according to the PMS.
TROUBLESHOOTING. Sometimes, tracking
down a problem in the FFG-7 waste heat circulation
In this chapter, we have provided you with an
system can be very easy. Other times, it can be very
overview of the engineering support and auxiliary
difficult. Never attempt to make adjustments to this
equipment and systems used on gas turbine-powered
system unless you are extremely knowledgeable of the
ships. We discussed some of the equipment and system
system's operation or troubleshoot a failure without
similarities and differences you will encounter among
using an approved troubleshooting guide contained in
the various ship classes. We also discussed some ways
the appropriate manufacturer's or NAVSEA technical
in which you can properly operate and use your ship's
manual. Remember, the operation of this system
support and auxiliary equipment and systems. If you
depends on the proper operation of the SSDG jacket
properly maintain this equipment and their systems,
water system and the supplementary heaters.
they will continue to provide your ship with a high level
MAINTENANCE. In this section, we will be
of efficient service. With the information provided in
discussing some of the maintenance you will need to
this chapter and the recommended technical
perform or will be expected to know as a GSM2. For the
publications, you should become a more effective gas
most part, the maintenance topics discussed in this
turbine systems technician.