personnel and equipment, you must adhere strictly
Air Valve Opens and Closes Slowly. As a GSM,
to all security and safety guidelines. While
you must watch for the valve's performance. The valve
inspecting the bleed air manifold, your primary
may open and close, but it will take an abnormally long
concern will be not so much the manifold itself
time to do so. When this occurs, you should immediately
but its fasteners. In inspecting the fasteners, you
check the system's filters and low-point drains for
must make certain that all the bolts are made of
excessive amounts of water and debris.
the proper material (stainless steel) and that they
are properly tightened and safety wired. You must
Anti-Icing Air System
check every bolt for tightness, corrosion, and the
The last bleed air subsystem we will discuss is the
presence of properly installed safety wire.
anti-icing system. Even though this system is not used
very often, it is still an important part of the overall bleed
have very little difficulty troubleshooting a problem
air system.
in this system. Because the majority of the system's
The function of the anti-icing air system is to use
valves are manually operated, most of the system's
hot bleed air to prevent the formation of ice on the
problems will be related to improper alignment. The
gas turbine cooling air inlet moisture separators on
only exception to this is the anti-icing air system
the FFG-class ships and the combustion air intakes
installed on the FFG-class ships, which has a pressure
regulating valve installed. If you should identify this
on all the ship classes. Among the different classes
of gas turbine ships, the ice detectors will be
valve as the source of a problem, you should approach
installed in critical locations to warn the operators
its repairs and testing the same way as you would any
when an icing condition exists. If an icing condition
of the other bleed air system automatic control valves
should occur, the operators in the CCS will always
we have discussed. The most important thing to
inform the engine-room personnel and direct them
remember about the pressure regulating valve in the
to open the anti-icing valves manually. These valves
FFG anti-icing air system is that it is not used very
will control the pressure and flow of air that will be
often and may have a tendency to stick.
required to raise the intake air temperature to a level
MAINTENANCE. In all gas turbine-powered
that will eliminate the icing condition. Except for the
ships, your maintenance of the anti-icing air system will
FFG-7 class ships, all classes of the gas turbine-
be fairly limited to valve maintenance and the required
powered ships are equipped with this anti-icing
repairs you will determine after performing the
valve system. Although the anti-icing air system on
previously mentioned tests and inspections.
the FFG-class ships is equipped with a manual
cutout valve, the pressure is automatically regulated.
TESTS AND INSPECTIONS. On all classes of
gas turbine-powered ships, tests and inspections of the
As a GSM, there is a good chance you will
anti-icing air system will not be performed very often.
encounter one or both types of waste heat recovery
The tests will mainly pertain to the operational
systems we will discuss in this section. The first type of
capability of the system's valves. You will perform these
waste heat recovery system we will discuss is installed
tests according to the PMS. Your main concerns will be
on the CG-47, DD-963, and DDG-993 class ships. The
to test these valves for freedom of movement and check
other system we will describe is installed on the FFG-7
the console indicator lights for proper valve position
class ships.
In this section, we will briefly discuss the role of the
The inspections you will perform on the
waste heat recovery system during routine operations.
components of the anti-icing air system are very
We will focus on some of the maintenance and upkeep
important. You must use great care whenever you
requirements for this system.
conduct these inspections and handle these
components. You must be so careful because the
CG-47, DD-963, and
primary component for this system is located inside
DDG-993 Class Ships
the turbine's combustion air intake. You must regard
any work inside the combustion air intake with the
The CG-47, DD-963, and DDG-993 class ships use
same care and concern you would any work on the
waste heat boilers (WHBs) that are installed in the
main reduction gear. To protect the safety of