the auxiliary fuel service system consist of the
solenoid-operated tank suction valves and the
quick-closing shut-off valves located in the supply line
five major systems of the Detroit Diesel 16V149:
from each tank.
Solenoid-Operated Tank Suction Valves.The
Fuel system
solenoid valves can be opened and closed locally or
Lubricating oil system
from the EPCC. They are provided with a manual
override in case of coil failure or loss of power.
Jacket water cooling system
Quick-Closing Shut-Off Valves. The quick-
Starting air system
closing shut-off valves are operated from the space entry
access trunks.
We will take just a brief look at each of these systems.
For a more in-depth view, we recommend you consult
the appropriate technical manuals.
detector (RTD) and a thermometer are located in the
discharge line from the fuel cooler. The RTD provides a
signal to the EPCC for a demand display readout, and
Fuel System
actuates audible and visual alarms when fuel
temperature exceeds 115F. The thermometer is
The diesel's fuel system consists of the following
provided for local monitoring.
Pressure Transducers. Two pressure transducers
Fuel strainer (primary)
on each engine provide a demand display readout and
a continuous display of the engine fuel pump
Fuel pump
discharge pressure. The pressure transducers also
Fuel filter (secondary)
provide low fuel pressure audible and visual alarms at
the EPCC downstream of the fuel filter. The alarm is
Fuel block and check valves
set at 35 psig.
Pressure Switches. Three pressure switches in the
fuel system area part of the automatic control circuit. A
Fuel injectors
tank level instrument in each fuel tank provides
The components that are external to the engine
continuous tank level, demand display readout, and
include the fuel service tank, fuel return cooler, and
high- and low-level alarms at the EPCC.
connecting lines.
STRAINER ASSEMBLY. The fuel strainer is a
OPERATION. During operation, the fuel is drawn
metal-edge disk-type simplex unit with dual strainer
from the service tank through the (primary) strainer
elements. The strainer consists of a strainer element
by the engine-mounted fuel pump. The pump passes
surrounded by a sump to collect foreign material
the fuel to the secondary filter to the junction block.
removed from the fuel stream. The element consists
At the junction block, the fuel is routed to the fuel inlet
of a series (stack) of thin edge-type disks separated
manifolds for each cylinder bank. The injectors
slightly by spacer disks. The strainer element is
receive fuel from the inlet manifold through
arranged on a spindle and clamped together by long
individual pipes. A small portion of the fuel supplied
screws or studs. A handle attached to the spindle is
to the injector is pumped into the cylinder through the
used to rotate the strainer element against the cleaner
spray tip at high pressure. Surplus fuel passes through
or scraper blade.
the injector, serving to lubricate and cool the working
The fuel that enters the strainer is forced between
parts. It then returns from the outlet side of the
the casing and the disk assembly and then passes
injector, through the fuel outlet pipes, to the return
manifold. The return fuel the passes through the fuel
through the disks to the center of the element. The fuel
then passes up through the element and out through the
junction block, to the cooler, and returns to the engine
strainer outlet.
fuel inlet.
FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY. The fuel pump is a
NENTS. The control and monitoring components in
positive-displacement gear-type pump. It is used to