6. The rescue swimmer and survivor are
hoisted up to the helicopter. After reaching the
helicopter, the rescue swimmer assists the survivor
into the helicopter.
Rescue Strop (Unassisted Rescue)
The rescue strop (sometimes called the horse
collar or rescue sling) (fig. 5-26) is lowered
attached to the rescue hook. The following is a
step-by-step procedure for the survivor to don the
s t r o p a n d a t t a c h t h e r e s c u e h o i s t:
1. Stand by as the rescue device is lowered.
Do not touch the rescue device until
after the hook makes contact with the
water. This prevents any electrical shock
that may occur because of static electricity
buildup in the rescue device.
2. Swim to the rescue device. Grasp the free
end of the rescue strop with your right hand and
rotate your body clockwise, as shown in figure
Figure 5-26.Rescue strop (horse collar).
5-27, until the rescue strop is wrapped around
your body.
3. Attach the V-ring on the strop to the rescue
hook, as shown in figure 5-28.
4. Grasp the two pull tabs of the retainer
straps (fig. 5-29) and pull the straps out. Attach
the quick-ejector snap hook to the V-ring and pull
the strop tightly across your chest.
5. Ensure that the rescue strop is above the
LPA/LPU waist lobes and high on your back.
Give a thumbs-up signal to the hoist operator.
Wrap your arms around the collar and keep your
head down.
6. Upon clearing the water, cross your feet as
shown in figure 5-30 and remain in this position
until you are inside the helicopter.
Figure 5-27.Grasping the rescue strop.
Figure 5-28.Attacbing the V-ring.