239.283Figure 4-2.—Rear view of Model 225 machine showing oiling points.W 155 sewing machine. Do not use too much oil;usually 1 drop of oil at each oiling point is sufficient.An excessive amount of oil will soil the project beingsewn. We recommend a 10W mineral-base oil. (Useof castor-base oil is no longer required.) If this typeof oil is not available through normal supplychannels, use the mineral oil or Singer Type B or D.TIMING THE 111 W 155 MACHINETiming is the most important step when you areworking on any machine. As you read through thefollowing timing and adjustment sequence, you mayfind that it has changed from steps you areaccustomed to using. This timing and adjustmentsection is presented as if you are taking yourmachine completely apart and reassembling it.1. Timing the arm shaft with the hook driveshaftTo perform this timing step, you must tilt the sewingmachine back on its hinges. Turn the balance wheeltoward the operator until the thread take-up lever reachesits highest point. You can do this step by placing thefingers of your left hand on top of the thread take-uplever and turning the balance wheel with your right hand.You should be able to feel the high point of4-3
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