Figure 4-4.—Timing arrows.the thread take-up lever with your fingers. Youmust check to ensure the arrows on the timingcollar and the timing plate are aligned as shownin figure 4-4 (B) and (C). If the arrows don’tmatch, remove the connection belt from the lowerpulley (figure 4-4 [A] and [D]). Now turn thelower pulley by hand until the arrow on thetiming collar (figure 4-4 [B]) is in direct line withthe arrow on the timing plate (figure 4-4 [C]).Replace the connection belt. This completes thistiming point.2. Setting the feed dog heightProper feed dog height is necessary toobtain proper feeding action. To set the feed dogs,proceed as follows:a. Turn the balance wheel toward theoperator until the feed dog reaches its highestpoint (figure 4-5), and observe the relationship ofthe feed dog and the throat plate. If the valleybetween the teeth is level with the top of the throatFigure 4-5.—Feed dogs.4-5
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