4. When water temperature is below 60°F
and antiexposure suits are not required, the
flight equipment includes antiexposure, high-
temperature resistant undergarments. Wearing
double layers of these undergarments can signi-
ficantly improve antiexposure protection.
A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2
Antiexposure Assemblies
The A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2
antiexposure assemblies (fig. 4-5) are continuous
wear assemblies designed to keep the wearer
dry. The complete assemblies provide protection
from the thermal effects of cold water immersion
in the event of emergency overwater bailout.
The assemblies differ only in the type of
liner that is worn.
The A/P22P-6(V)2 as-
sembly uses the CWU-23/P liner, and the
A/P22P-6A(V)2 assembly uses the CWU-72P
liner. Table 4-2 lists the components that make
up the A/P22P-6(V)2 and the A/P22P-6A(V)2
antiexposure assemblies.
Figure 4-5.A/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2 antiexposure apparel assemblies, constant wear.