made of nonslip, nonmarking, jet-fuel-resistantrubber. The steel box toe is constructed of cold-rolled carbon steel to provide a safety marginthrough greater compression resistance. The bootis designed for use by all aircrew members.FittingThe boot is fitted to the aircrew memberand normally corresponds to his regular shoesize.MaintenanceThe aircrew member is responsible for main-tenance of the boot. Maintenance is limitedto cleaning and polishing. Polish used foreveryday care of shoes is acceptable. There areno authorized repairs, as the sole and heel shouldoutwear the upper boot. Broken or worn lacesmay be replaced.SV-2 SURVIVAL VESTThe SV-2B survival vest provides maximumuseful storage for survival equipment, consistentwith minimal bulk and weight. In addition, thesurvival vest provides for integration of a lifepreserver, anti-g coveralls, and the chest-mountedoxygen regulator. It does not interfere with useof either the regular or integrated-type parachuteharness. The SV-2B vest is the latest authorizedconfiguration for this series of survival vest.ConfigurationThe SV-2B survival vest is constructed basi-cally of nylon cloth. An adjustable harness,leg straps, and an entrance slide fastener providea means of fitting and securing the vest to theaircrew member. Elastic straps on the rear allowgreater comfort and mobility of the wearer.Pockets are provided for stowage of survival items(fig. 4-4). When required, the chest-mountedoxygen regulator is located inside a pocket securedto the vest by means of hook and pile tape.FittingsThe basic SV-2B survival vest is designed tofit chest sizes from 40 to 48 inches. By changingthe elastic straps on the rear, the vest may beadapted to a wider size range. To fit an SV-2Bproperly, have the aircrew member wear all hisnormal flight gear, including the MA-2 torsoharness, if used. Put the SV-2B vest on as if itwere a jacket. Pass the leg straps through thecrotch and attach the snap hooks. Adjust the legand shoulder straps so that they are snug and thebottom of the vest is just above the hips. Examinethe SV-2B for proper fit. If it is too loose, theelastic straps must be shortened. If it is too tight,you must lengthen the elastic straps. The pro-cedures for this adjustment, as well as main-tenance, calendar inspections, and cleaning,are covered in-depth in the Aircrew PersonalProtective Equipment Manual, N A V A I R13-1-6.7.ANTIEXPOSURE ASSEMBLIESAntiexposure assemblies are composed ofseveral garments that protect the aircrew memberin the event of immersion. Constant wearassemblies provide additional protection fromcold weather. The constant wear assembliesconsist of a waterproof outer garment worn overa ventilation liner and/or cold weather underwear.The quick-donning antiexposure suit is carriedin the aircraft, and donned only in case ofemergency. It consists of a waterproof outergarment equipped with permanently attachedboots and wrist and neck seals. An inflatable hoodand antiexposure mittens are stowed in thepockets. In case of emergency, the assembly isdonned over the regular flight clothing.Either continuous-wear or quick-donningantiexposure suits, as appropriate, are providedfor flight personnel and passengers when there isa significant risk of crashing in the water, andwhen any of the following conditions prevail:1. The water temperature is 50°F or below.2. The outside air temperature (OAT) is 32°F(wind chill factor corrected) or below.If the water temperature is between 50° and60°F, the commanding officer of the unitconcerned considers the following search andrescue (SAR) factors:1. The maximum probable rescue time. Thisshould be a function of mission distance, SARequipment, and SAR location.2. The lowest temperatures that will occur inthe mission area during the time period of theflight.3. Then by using table 4-1, he determineswhether antiexposure suits are required.4-6
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