These documents consist of the following:
. Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment
History Card, NAVAIR 10470/11, S/N: 0102-
. History CardAviation Crew Systems,
OPNAV 4790/138
. Shop Process Cards
. Maintenance Data Collection System
Forms, which include the following:
VIDS/MAF, OPNAV Form 4790/60
Support Action Form, OPNAV Form
DOD Single Line Item Requisition
System Document
. Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment
Manual, NAVAIR 13-1-6.7
NOTE: All entries must be printed clearly
with blue or black ball-point pen, or
typewritten. Felt-tip pens or pencils are
unacceptable for maintenance document
or history card entry purposes. When you
sign a maintenance document or history
card, your full signature is required. Be
sure to check the OPNAVINST 4790.2
(series) for the most up-to-date form
Aircrew Personal Protective
Equipment History Card
This Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment
History Card contains information pertaining to
the personal protective equipment issued to one
specific aircrew member. The card is divided into
three sections: Section I records all aircrew
personal equipment issued to the aircrew member.
Section II is used for recording when calendar
inspections are performed. It includes the in-
spectors full signature and collateral duty
inspector (CDI) stamp. Section III records all
modifications and repairs performed on the
equipment. This card can be used as a custody
card by units which operate a flight gear issue
pool. When a new card is started for any reason,
the old card is stapled on the back of the new card.
When an aircrew member transfers to a new unit
and keeps his personal protective equipment, the
card is forwarded to his new unit.
History CardAviation Crew Systems
The Aviation Crew Systems History Card
contains all information pertinent to a piece
of equipment. All maintenance tasks performed
on the equipment (repairs, modifications,
inspections) are recorded on the history card.
In addition, the inspection cycle interval is
entered in the upper right-hand corner of the
card face. The record includes the Julian date
and signature of the person accomplishing the
maintenance task and the CDIs signature
and number in the inspectors signature column.
When, for any reason, a new card is initiated, the
old card must be retained and stapled to the back
of the new card. If the history card has been lost,
initiate a new card using information from the
manufacturers nameplate. The history card must
accompany the equipment to the intermediate- or
depot-level maintenance activity. Whenever a
piece of equipment is transferred from one unit to
another, an updated history card is forwarded to
the receiving unit. The card is placed in a suitable
envelope and securely attached to the item. If the
piece of equipment is an aircraft inventory item,
the history card is inserted in the inventory
logbook. If the receiving unit fails to receive the
history card, a formal request for the card must
be sent to the forwarding unit.
Shop Process Cards (SPC)
The Shop Process Cards (SPC) provide the
maintenance man with a ready reference for per-
forming scheduled maintenance on a specific type
of aircrew personal protective equipment. Each
SPC contains one or more detailed maintenance
requirements. Illustrations, clearances, tolerances,
charts, and part numbers are included when re-
quired. The minimum requirements for the per-
formance of all or part of any particular periodic
maintenance task (calendar or special inspection)
are contained in a set of these cards. The work
plan (or order of performing the maintenance
work requirements) is prearranged, and is issued
by the work center supervisor for the type of
aircrew personal protective equipment being
Maintenance Data Collection System Forms
The following forms used in the Naval
Aviation Maintenance Program are applicable to
the aircrew personal protective maintenance:
VIDS/MAF Form, Support Action Form, DOD
Single Line Item Requisition System Documents,
and Work Request Forms. Proper completion is
essential to the function of the program.
Instructions on their use can be found in the Naval
Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST
4790.2 (series), and in the Aviation Maintenance
Ratings Manual 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10342-1.