two housings are correctly positioned and
securely retained. Safety-tie the locking pin
to the stud with one turn of waxed size
FF nylon thread (V-T-295), single. Pass the
thread through the lanyard knot and tie the
ends with a surgeons knot, followed by a square
The next procedure is to insert the top
ripcord pin through the beveled side of
the eye in the power cable. Route the lan-
yard over the helpers side of the top end
flap V. Tack the lanyard to the top end
flap at the V with 1/8-inch slack between
the locking pin and the tacking, passing
the tacking around the lanyard. Use one turn of
waxed size E nylon thread, single. Tie its ends with
a surgeons knot, followed by a square knot (fig.
Route the lanyard along the inside of the top
end flap to the helpers side of the automatic
actuator power cable buttonhole. Tack the
lanyard to the upper edge of the container with
one turn of single, waxed, size E nylon thread
(fig. 3-32), allowing 1/8 inch of slack between the
tackings. The tacking must pass around the
lanyard and not through it. Tie the ends with a
surgeons knot, followed by a square knot.
Figure 3-31.Tacking locking pin.
Figure 3-32.Tacking release lanyard.
Reeve the lanyard through the lanyard guide
grommet (fig. 3-33). Place the 3`6-inch mark
on the lanyard over the bar on the inboard
connector link located on the helpers side.
Secure the lanyard to the connector link bar
with a bowline knot. Ensure the lanyard is
positioned between the webbing and the connector
link end. Tie an overhand backup knot in the end
of the lanyard.
You should have the QA inspect your work
at this point.
Before attaching the firing lanyard, ensure that
the safety pin is installed in the spreading gun.
Then starting at the gun, route the firing lanyard
between suspension lines 7 and 8. Slide the canopy
towards the container and form an S-fold in the
suspension lines large enough to allow the loop
in the end of the firing lanyard to align with its
connector links. Be careful to check to see that
no suspension lines are dropped from the
connector link bar.