protective cover with nondirectional front closure
snaps, side buckle adjustments, and inflation
assembly. Survival items are also provided. To
make up the LPU-30/P life preserver assembly,
all required components and survival items must
be individually requisitioned (fig. 6-15).
The flotation assembly is constructed of
polyurethane-coated nylon cloth and is available
in one size. It is equipped with an oral inflation
valve and tube, a pressure relief valve to prevent
over inflation, a brass manifold for attachment
of the inflator, a l-inch piece of hook tape secured
to the left front portion of the bladder, and an
antichafing pad sewn to the inside neck area on
the bladder.
The protective cover is fabricated of white
cotton balloon cloth (MIL-C-332) and is available
in medium (chest up to 48 inches, & 1/2 inch) and
large (chest up to 53 inches, ± 1/2 inch). The
cover has nondirectional front closure snaps and
side buckle waist adjustments and is fully lined.
There is also a strip of reflective tape sewn across
each shoulder and a strobe light pouch, which
must be sewn to the upper breast portion of the
protective cover, and a sea dye marker pouch,
which must be sewn to the lower left portion of
the protective cover.
The inflation assembly consists of two Type
II (MIL-C-601), 12-gram CO2 cylinders and a
Type III (MIL-I-23145) inflation valve. The
inflation assembly is connected to the valve stem
located on the right front of the flotation
assembly. The valve stem is equipped with a check
valve to prevent leakage.
The LPU-30/P is manually inflated by pull-
ing the inflation assembly lanyard down. In an
emergency situation, the oral inflation valve is
used to top off an inflated preserver, maintain
inflation of a leaky preserver, or inflate a
preserver when the inflation assembly
malfunctions or fails. The oral inflation valve is
also used to inflate a preserver with air during an
inspection test and to deflate a preserver in
preparation for issue.
The LPU-30/P life preserver is used by
passengers in all helicopters and in the C-1, C-2,
and US-3A type aircraft. The LPU-30/P must not
be confused with the MK-1 flight deck life
preserver. Information on the MK-1 preserver can
be obtained by contacting Naval Sea Support
Center Pacific, P.O. Box 85548, San Diego, CA
92138-5548, ATTN: Code 914. Request MIP
All life preservers need to have preflight,
special, and calendar/phase inspections.
The preflight inspection is performed before
each flight by the aircrewman to whom the life
preserver is assigned. A preflight inspection is
also performed by assigned aircrewmen on life
preservers installed in aircraft.
The special inspection is done on all aircraft-
installed life preservers at intervals not to exceed
30 days. The inspection is performed at the
organizational level of maintenance by personnel
assigned to the aviators equipment branch.
When the special inspection is completed and
the life preserver is found satisfactory, the
inspection date and inspectors signature are
written in the inspection section of the Aviation
Crew Systems History Card. The 30-day special
inspection may be recorded on a separate history
card from the history card recording
calendar/phase inspections, functional checks,
and modifications.
NOTE: The calendar inspection interval
for LPA type and LPU-21/P series
preservers assigned to VP squadron
selected air reserve aircrewmen has been
extended to 180 days from 90 days,
providing the preservers are stowed under
controlled conditions.
The calendar/phase inspection must be
performed on all life preservers prior to placing
them in service. After that, the inspection cycle
is as follows: personal issue life preservers are
inspected once every 90 days. Aircraft-installed
life preserver inspection should coincide with the
inspection cycle of the aircraft in which installed.
In no case should the interval exceed 231 days.
Unless operational requirements demand
otherwise, the life preserver calendar/phase
inspection is performed by the intermediate level
of maintenance or above. As part of inspecting
the preserver, the functional test is performed
prior to placing it in service, every fourth
inspection cycle thereafter, and whenever an
inflation assembly is replaced. Also, the leakage
test is performed during every inspection cycle.
A battery visual inspection for the LPU-23/P
series and LPU-24/P series will be performed
prior to placing life preservers in service, and every
fourth inspection cycle thereafter.