Do not use a needle voltage multimeter. The test
leads of the multimeter should be provided with
a standard test probe ( + ) and a banana type test
plug (). When using the multimeter, you should
ensure that it is set in the voltage-measuring mode
and NOT the resistance-measuring mode. A
resistance measurement will trigger the squib and
fire the inflator.
Insert the negative () test probe into the end
port of the sensor plug. Remove you hand. Faulty
readings can be obtained or the squib may fire
if the body becomes an electrical pathway between
the sensor pin and any conductive part of
the inflator assembly. Now, using the pointed
positive (+) probe, touch and maintain contact
with one of the screw heads near the lever end of
the inflator. Refer to figure 6-21.
Wait 15 seconds for the FLU-8A/P circuit to
stabilize after connecting the test leads before
taking the voltage reading. The voltage reading
should begin at a high value and then gradually
shift downward before final stabilization. If no
downward shift in meter reading occurs, the
FLU-8A/P inflator will be rejected.
A reading of +12 volts or more indicates the
battery is at full power and installed correctly. A
reading of -12 volts or more indicates the battery
is installed backwards. The battery must be re-
versed. A reading of zero volts indicates the bat-
tery contact is faulty or the battery is not
installed properly. Inspect and correct if nec-
essary. If a correct battery voltage reading can-
not be obtained with a battery of verified full
charge properly installed, the inflator is defec-
tive. Reject and report for an engineering investi-
gation according to Volume III, OPNAV 4790.2.
Figure 6-21.Testing battery.
Inspect life preserver inflation assemblies as
Remove the carbon dioxide cylinder from the
valve assembly.
Examine the inflation device, actuating lever
and lanyard, and locking pins for fraying,
corrosion, stripped threads, and other damage.
If required, remove any sharp edges from the
valve with a fine, round file.
On LPU-28/P, LPU-30/P, and LPP life
preservers, operate the toggle three or four times.
Ensure that the lever moves freely and the piercing
pin moves properly inside valve body.
On life preservers with beaded inflation
handles, operate beaded inflation handle three or
four times. Ensure that the lever moves freely and
the piercing pin moves properly inside valve body.
Ensure that the packaging cord loop is not
pinched between the piercing pin and the actuating
lever. If there is free play in the actuating lever
when it is in its cocked position, the packaging
cord loop is pinched. If necessary, reinstall the
cord. Refer to NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.
NOTE: Each time the inflation assembly
gaskets or the inflation assembly is
removed and replaced for any reason, a
functional test must be conducted. Use
new gaskets when you replace the device.
If any discrepancy is noted in the inflation
device that is not repairable, remove the assembly
and install a new inflation device.
If carbon dioxide cylinder locking screws are
installed on LPA type and LPU type life
preservers, remove them.
Ensure that CO2 cylinder locking screws are
installed on LPU-30/P life preservers.
Inflation Lanyard Pull Test
Special Equipment Required
Quantity Description Reference Number
0 to 50 lb
or equivalent