Figure 7-2.RSSK-8 open.
the emergency oxygen supply; the lower container,
the life raft and survival equipment. The kit is
opened by the yellow handle mounted on the
forward right side. Two adjustable retaining
straps, permanently mounted on the upper
container, provide attachment of the kit to the
aircrewmans torso harness. A flexible oxygen and
communications hose installed on the aft left side
of the upper container connects the aircrewman
to the aircraft for communications and oxygen
functions. In the event of a failure of the aircraft
oxygen system, emergency oxygen is available by
pulling the manual oxygen release on the kit.
Oxygen from the kit then flows to the aircrewman
through the emergency oxygen system reducer in
the kit. A check valve in the oxygen line prevents
emergency oxygen from flowing into the aircraft
system or overboard from the kit. When the
aircrewman ejects, the reducer is automatically
operated by a lanyard connected between the
actuator and aircraft.
When he sits in the aircraft, the aircrewman
the kit quick-release fittings to his
straps on his torso harness. He also
his oxygen mask and communication
hose to the seat pan quick-disconnect fitting. This
hose can be quickly disconnected by pulling
sharply on the hose assembly.
The RSSK-8 is a part of the survival equip-
ment used by aircrewman aboard the types of
aircraft listed in table 7-1. As you can see,
Table 7-1.RSSK-8 Application