Table 6-7.—Life Preserver Test PressuresFLOTATION CHAMBERLEAKAGE TESTMINIMUMPRESERVER TYPETEST SEQUENCEPRESSURE (PSIG)PRESSURE (PSIG)LPA-2 seriesBoth Chambers Simultaneously2.01.6LPU-21/P seriesBoth Chambers Simultaneously2.01.6LPU-23/P seriesBoth Chambers Simultaneously2.01.6LPU-24/P seriesBoth Chambers Simultaneously2.01.6LPU-28/PSingle Chamber Preserver2.01.6LPU-30/PSingle Chamber Preserver1.00.8LPP, Pouch TypeSingle Chamber Preserver2.01.6hose mouthpiece. Maintain pressure between thevalve on the oral inflation hose and alternatelyrubber hose and the oral inflation hosemouthpiece to ensure a good seal. Depress theposition the leakage test fixture valve between themeasuring device, vent, and air supply until theoverpressure relief valve opens (2.5 psig ± .5psig). Rotate the leakage test fixture valve to themeasuring device position to ensure that the lifepreserver is inflated to the proper pressure.Release the valve on the oral inflation hose.Inspect for proper operation of the relief valve.3. To test all preserver chambers, exceptLPU-28/P, unlock the oral inflation valve andinsert it into the rubber hose. Rotate the valve tothe air supply position and inflate the chamber.Alternately position the valve between themeasuring device, vent, and the air supply untilthe proper pressure is attained.4. Turn off the air supply, and after aminimum of 15 minutes, readjust the pressure,if necessary, to the original pressure. Refer totable 6-7.5. Disconnect the air supply and check testfixture for leaks. Ensure all valves are closed.6. Record temperature and barometricpressure.7. Four hours after the adjustment period instep 4, record the test pressure.8. Record temperature and barometricpressure and correct test pressure for any changesin temperature and barometric pressure. Figure6-18 is an example of how you would record thisinformation.Figure 6-18.—Example for recording readings.CAUTIONDO NOT SUBMERGE LPU-23/PSERIES AND LPU-24/P SERIES LIFEPRESERVERS IN WATER TO CHECKFOR LEAKS.After 4 hours, if the pressure of the chamberis below 1.60 psig, inflate to leakage test pressureand coat with a soap solution to locate any leaks.Mark any leak area you find. Rinse the preserverwith fresh water, air dry it, and repair it inaccordance with NAVAIR 13-1-6.1.If the preserver has held the required pressure,deflate it. Ensure that the inflation valve lever iscocked. Install a carbon dioxide cylinder.6-31
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