A personnel security clearance is an
administrative determination that an individual is
eligible for access to classified information of the
same category as or lower than the clearance being
No one will be given access to classified
information or be assigned to sensitive duties unless a
favorable personnel security determination has been
made of his/her loyalty, reliability, and
trustworthiness. The initial determination will be
based on a personnel security investigation (PSI)
appropriate to the access required or to other
considerations of the sensitivity of the duties assigned.
Only the following personnel are authorized to request
PSIs on personnel under their jurisdiction:
Director, Central Adjudication Facility
Commanders and commanding officers
Chiefs of Recruiting stations
Request for PSIs must be kept to the absolute
minimum. Reliance on PSIs as a means of identifying
problem personnel security cases will be avoided.
Special attention is to be given to eliminating
unnecessary and duplicate reports. PSIs will not be
requested to resolve allegations of a suitability nature
for the purpose of supporting personnel administrative
decisions or disciplinary procedures independent of a
personnel security determination.
The Defense Investigative Service (DIS) or the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) conducts or
controls all PSIs for the DON. DON elements are
prohibited from conducting PSIs without a specific
request from DIS to support its investigative
The term personnel security investigation
describes an inquiry by an investigative agency into
an individual's activities for the specific purpose of
making a personnel security determination.
Investigations conducted for other purposes may have
an impact on security clearances or assignments to
sensitive duties, but are not PSIs. The following are
some of the types of investigations. See Department
of the Navy Information and Personnel Security
Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1, for more
information on PSIs.
National Agency Check
A national agency check (NAC) consists of a
check of the files of a number of government agencies
for pertinent facts bearing on the loyalty and
trustworthiness of the individual. Examples of
agencies checked are the FBI and the Defense Central
Index of Investigations. The NAC conducted on a
first-term enlistee in the Navy or Marine Corps is
called an entrance NAC (ENTNAC). The primary
reason for the ENTNAC is to determine the suitability
of an individual for entry into the service. If a service
member reenlists after a break in active service greater
than 12 months, an NAC (not an ENTNAC) is
Background Investigation
The background investigation (BI), conducted by
DIS, is much more extensive than a NAC. It is
designed to develop information as to whether the
access to classified information by the person being
investigated is clearly consistent with the interests of
national security. It includes an NAC and probes
deeply into the loyalty, integrity, and reputation of the
Special Background Investigation
The special background investigation (SBI) is an
investigation conducted by DIS, with extended
coverage of the individual's background to provide a
greater depth of knowledge than a BI. The scope of an
SBI is 15 years or since the 18th birthday, whichever
is shorter. At least 2 years will be covered, except that
no investigation is conducted prior to the subject's
16th birthday.
Eligibility for a security clearance is limited to
members of the executive branch of the U.S.
Government or to employees of the DOD contractors,
under the Defense Industrial Security Program.
Occasionally, it is necessary for the DON to clear
persons outside the executive branch of the
government. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for
security clearances. Non-U.S. citizens may be
considered for limited access authorization.
Classified information is made available to
appropriately cleared persons only when it is
necessary in the interests of national defense and the
individual requires the information to carry out