On a flagship where the commanders
personal flag has been hauled down and re-
placed by a commission pennant, the chief of
staffs absentee pennant is not displayed.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: List some of the
flags of the principal maritime nations. Figure
10-8 shows flags and ensigns of some principal
maritime nations. Unlike the practice in the
United States, a number of countries have
ensigns different from their national flags.
although color patterns generally remain
In this chapter you have learned about the basic
honors and ceremonies. You have learned of the
different rules that govern the display of ensigns and
how to determine the appropriate size of ensigns for
your ship. You have learned how to challenge small
boats at night and the meaning of flagstaff ornaments.
You have learned the procedures for returning a dip
and which countries are not entitled to a dip. You have
learned the rule for the display of personal flags and
pennants, the commission pennant, the U.S. Navy
flag, the United Nations flag, plus much more.