An important point of the relieving ceremony as
it pertains to a Signalman is that the ship's distinctive
mark always be in the air. There are occasions, for
example, when commanding officers (below flag
rank) being relieved are presented with the ship's
commission pennant. When such a presentation is to
be made, a new commission pennant must be closed
up before the one to be presented is hauled down.
When a flag officer or unit commander boards a ship
of the Navy to make an official inspection, honors are
rendered as for an official visit. The flag or pennant is
broken upon arrival and is hauled down on departure.
When the flag of a flag officer or unit commander is
flying on board the vessel being inspected, his/her
personal flag is hauled down on board the flagship unless
the latter is the vessel being inspected.
The same provisions apply, insofar as practical and
appropriate, when a flag officer in command ashore makes
an official inspection of a unit of his/her command.
Honors rendered to foreign military officers and
civil officials are essentially the same as those for
United States officers and civil officials of the same
rank. A foreign naval officer's flag is not, however,
displayed from a US. Navy ship. Flags pictured in
figure l0-5 are shown for the purpose of recognition
and as an aid in determining relative seniority for
rendering passing honors and the like.
The national ensign of the foreign country is flown
from a U.S. Navy ship when visited by a foreign
officer or civil official. If the official is entitled to a
21-gun salute, the foreign ensign is flown from the
main masthead. If entitled to fewer than 21 guns, it is
flown from the foremast. The personal flag or
command pennant normally displayed at the main
would be moved to another location, as mentioned
earlier for U.S. civil officials.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain the use of
the following flags and pennants: U.S. Navy
flag, United Nations flag, homeward-bound
pennant, church or Jewish worship pennant,
Red Cross flag, the POW/MIA flag, award
flags and pennants, and the absentee pennants.
The use of the following flags is a must-know for
all Signalmen; take a little time and learn the
procedures for their display.
On 24 April 1959, the President, on the
recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy,
established an official flag (fig. 10-6) for the United
States Navy. That was done to fulfill a need for an
official flag to represent the Navy on a variety of
ceremonial, parade, and display occasions.
The U.S. Navy flag represents the Navy as
At Official ceremonies
In parades
During official Navy display occasions
At public gatherings when the Navy is an official
On other occasions as may be authorized by the
Secretary of the Navy
When used for these purposes, the Navy flag
accompanies and takes the place of honor after the
national flag. However, when other branches of the
Armed Forces are participating, the flags take
precedence in order of seniority of the services
The flag of the United Nations consists of the
official emblem of the United Nations in white
centered on a United Nations blue field (fig. 10-7).
The flag is flown from all buildings, offices, and
other property occupied by the United Nations. The
manner and circumstances of display conform, as far
as appropriate, to the laws and customs applicable to
the display of the national flag of the country in which
the display is made.
The United Nations flag is displayed at
installations of the Armed Forces of the United States
only upon occasions of visits of high dignitaries of the
United Nations while in performance of their duties
with the United Nations. When so displayed, it is
displayed with the U.S. flag; both flags should be of
approximately the same size and on the same level,
with the flag of the United States in the position of
honor on the right, the observer's left.