general procedures, 4 16
messages, 4-21
numerals, 4-16
phonetic alphabet, 4-15
prowords, 4-16
radio net, 4-14
security, 4-14
Recording messages, 1-2
lettering, 1-3
message blank, 1-4
phonetic alphabet, 1-3
Rules of the road, 9-20
lights and shapes, 9-22
sound signaling in restricted visibility, 9-28
steering and sailing rules, 9-20
Safeguarding, 11-11
restricted area, 11-11
security checks, 11-12
working hours, 11-11
working spaces, 11-13
Security, 11-l
command management, 11-l
education, 11-2
principles, 11-2
purpose, 11-l
Security classification, 11-2
Confidential, 11-3
markings, 11-3
Secret, 11-3
Top Secret, 11-2
Semaphore procedures, 4-10
calling, 4-11
executive method, 4-12
interruptions, 4-12
Semaphore proceduresContinued
numerals, 4-11
receipting, 4-11
relay, 4-12
repetitions, 4-12
special characters, 4-11
special semaphore abbreviations, 4-l 1
Ship identification, 13-5
amphibious ships, 13-7
auxiliary, 13-9
combatants, 13-6
minor combatants, 13-6
surface ships, 13-6
Signal bridge, 1-2
getting oriented, 1-2
military appearance, 1-2
Signal flags and pennants, 5-1
Signal searchlight, 2-1
12-inch modified mercury-xenon searchlight, 2-3
12-inch mercury-xenon arc searchlight, 2-2
12-inch incandescent, 2-1
Sound signaling, 4-12
executive method, 4-13
identification of ships, 4-13
limitations, 4-13
receipting, 4-13
Special convoy flags, 7-4
commodore's flag, 7-4
convoy flag, 7-4
guide flag, 7-4
Standing orders, 14-3
standing orders sample, 14-5
Station and address designators, 3-11
address groups, 3-16
call signs, 3-11
plain language and address designators, 3-17