Merchant ship identificationContinued
identification procedures, 13-19
sequence of upright, 13-22
Miscellaneous flags and pennants, 10-18
absentee pennants, 10-2 1
award flags and pennants, 10-21
church and jewish worship, 10-21
homeward-bound pennant, 10-20
pow/mia, 10-21
red cross, 10-21
United Nations flag, 10-18
U.S. Navy flag, 10-18
Multipurpose signal light, 2-5
Naval message format, 3-2
abbreviated plaindress message, 3-10
codress message, 3-10
plaindress message, 3-3
service message, 3-10
Navigational charts and publications, 9-3
chart issue, 9-6
chart scales, 9-5
chart sounding marks, 9-6
hand corrections, 9-7
locating positions on charts, 9-3
notice to mariners, 9-6
Navigational equipment, 9-1
bearing and azimuth circle, 9-2
compasses, 9-1
telescopic alidades, 9-3
Night vision devices, 2-14
AN/PVS-8, 2-16
AN/PVS-11 pocketscope, 2-19
AN/PVS-5 night vision goggles, 2-17
general safety precautions, 2-19
Mk 37 night vision sight, 2-14
Operation orders and plans, 14-4
operation orders, 14-4
operations plans, 14-4
Optical equipment, 2-10
binoculars, 2-13
care of optics, 2-13
ship's binoculars, 2-11
Originating messages, 3-1
address of messages, 3-2
drafter, 3-1
originator, 3-1
releasing officer, 3-1
types of messages, 3-1
Parts of a flaghoist message, 5-16
heading, 5-6
text, 5-7
Personal flags and command pennants, 10-6
afloat display, 10-6
aircraft, 10-10
ashore display, 10-10
broad and burgee command, 10-9
commission pennant, 10-10
display of two simultaneously, 10-9
restrictions, 10-7
size of personal flags and command pennants, 10-9
vehicles, 10-10
Prosigns, 3-2
Pyrotechnics, 4-12
Radiotelephone, 4-13
beadwindow, 4-22
circuit log, 4-14
executive method, 4-22