APLAllowance Parts ListA listing of repair parts
prepared for individual equipment and compo-
APMLAssistant Program Manager for Logistics.
APPROPRIATIONAn authorization, established
by an Act of the Congress of the United States, to
spend funds of the U. S. Treasury or incur
indebtedness for specified purposes. The O&MN,
is established for each fiscal year concerned to fund
the operation and maintenance requirements of the
operating forces. The appropriation is only
available for citation on requisitions for the fiscal
year established and for the recording of related
expenditures for the following two years.
APUAuxiliary Power Unit.
ARMAMENT SEAny equipment used in the
loading of an explosive system or launch device on
an aircraft.
ASAviation Support Equipment Technician.
(Program)A subset of RCM, provides for
inspections that determine if a 12-month (or
equivalent flight hour) adjustment can be added to
the current PED of an individual airframe. Some
series of aircraft are exempted from the ASPA
Program for specific cause. For these aircraft, the
existing provisions for extensions apply.
ASRAssembly Service Record.
ASSIGNMENT Statement of positive intention that
specifically designated aircraft are or will be in the
custody of specifically designated organizational
ATAviation Electronics Technician or Action Taken
ATCMAeronautical Time Code Management.
ATOAircraft Transfer Order-A letter or message
type directive used to effect all transfers of air-
AUDITAs applied to QA, a periodic evaluation of
detailed plans, policies, procedures, products,
directives, and records.
AUGMENTED SUPPORTAn interim arrange-
ment during initial development or production for
the support of the equipment by the contractor on
an as required basis, pending assumption of
support responsibility by the government.
provides initial distribution of publications to
newly activated aircraft squadrons or ships and that
provides definite follow-on distribution of
supplementary publications (for example, changes,
revisions, or supplements) to the recipients of the
publications on initial distribution or to authorized
AVAILABILITY (AIRCRAFT)Applies to aircraft
in an operating or nonoperating status that may be
available for flight, upkeep, or rework, as specified.
When the term is used and not qualified, it refers to
commission availability.
AVCALAviation Consolidated Allowance ListA
consolidated list of aeronautical material, tailored
to each individual ship and MAG, to support
assigned or embarked aircraft flight operations. It
is normally prepared by NAVICP Philadelphia, PA
under direction of the air TYCOM.
AVIATION ACTIVITYA formally structured
staff, command, squadron, unit, or detachment
headed by a Commander, CO, or OINC responsible
for management, maintenance, material, and
logistic support of naval aeronautical equipment.
AVIONICS SEAvionics SE (common and
peculiary) includes all equipment of an electronic
nature used for, but not limited to, the test,
troubleshooting, alignment, or calibration of
aircraft systems and components. Examples of
such equipment are general purpose electronic test
equipment, automatic test equipment, vacuum
pressure testers, temperature, and fuel quantity
indicator test sets.
AWMAwaiting Maintenance.
AWM REASON CODEAwaiting Maintenance
Reason CodeA one-character numeric code that
describes the reason for an AWM condition.
AWM TIMEAwaiting Maintenance TimeTime
when an aircraft is NMCM or PMCM and no
maintenance is being performed on the systems
causing the NMCM or PMCM status. Other
maintenance upkeep not causing an NMCM or
PMCM condition may be performed on the
AWPAwaiting PartsThe condition that exists
when materials required to complete a maintenance
action are not available on station/ship. AWP is
that time when no work can be performed on the
item being repaired due to a lack of ordered parts.