Parts are not considered to be ordered until the
demand has been forwarded to the Supply
Response Section of the Supply Department. The
time when AWP occurred and the length of time it
lasted is recorded in the Maintenance/Supply
Record Section of the MAF. Items which cause
AWP during on-equipment work are identified in
the MAF Removed/Old Item Section. Items which
cause AWP during off-equipment work are
identified in the MAF (H-Z) Failed/Required
Material Section.
AWSEArmament Weapons Support Equipment
Consists of all the equipment included in the terms
armament SE, WSE, and logistic SE.
BAILMENTAircraft under the controlling custody
of COMNAVAIRSYSCOM but in the physical
custody of non-Navy organizations pursuant to a
contract for research, development, and evaluation
or production testing for the Navy.
BCMBeyond Capability of MaintenanceA term/
code used by IMAs when repair is not authorized at
that level, or when an activity is not capable of
accomplishing the repair because of a lack of
equipment, facilities, technical skills, technical
data, or parts. BCM will also be used when shop
backlog precludes repair within time limits
specified by existing directives.
Convenes at COMNAVAIRSYSCOM approxi-
mately 60 days subsequent to the start of the Board
of Inspection and Survey preliminary evaluation
and is attended by representatives of CNO,
NAVICP Philadelphia, PA, and contractors.
Evaluation of the aircraft and its SE is reported and
action to be taken is determined. Proposed
configuration of the aircraft for fleet delivery is
established. Readiness of the aircraft and its
associated equipment to commence the Fleet
Introduction Program is a most important decision.
BULLETIN A document issued by COMNAVAIR-
SYSCOM which directs a onetime inspection of
equipment, contains related instructions, and dis-
seminates administrative or management informa-
tion as related to maintenance of weapon systems.
BUNOBureau NumberAn unhyphenated serial
number, not exceeding six digits, used to identify
individual airframes within the naval aircraft
inventory. Each number is unique to a particular
airframe. Assignment is controlled by the CNO.
CADCartridge-Activated Device.
CAGCarrier Air Group.
CAGECommercial and Government EntityA
five-position code assigned to manufacturers and
nonmanufacturers organizational entities and
contractors of items procured by agencies of the
federal government.
CALENDAR AGEThe total number of calendar
months since acceptance.
CALIBRATIONThe process by which calibration
installations compare a calibration standard or
PME with a standard of higher accuracy to ensure
the former is within specified limits throughout its
entire range. The calibration process involves the
use of approved instrument calibration procedures.
CANNIBALIZERemoval of serviceable parts from
one aircraft for installation on another.
CBTComputer-Based Training.
CD ROMCompact Disc-Read Only Memory.
CDICollateral Duty Inspector.
CDQARCollateral Duty Quality Assurance Rep-
CERTIFICATIONWritten testimony from com-
petent instructional authority that the certified
individual is qualified to act in a specific capacity.
CETSContractor Engineering and Technical
ServicesThose services performed by
commercial or industrial companies which provide
advice, instruction, and training to personnel of the
military departments in the installation, operation,
and maintenance of DOD aeronautical systems and
CFACognizant Field ActivityAn activity that has
been delegated the authority and assigned the
responsibility to perform specified engineering
CFEContractor Furnished EquipmentItems
manufactured or purchased by the contractor for
inclusion in or support of an aeronautical system.
CGFMFCommanding General, Fleet Marine Force.
CHANGEA document that directs and provides
instruction for the accomplishment of a change,
modification, repositioning, or alteration of
material in in-service aircraft, weapon systems,
assemblies, subassemblies, components, or SE.