EOQ reports for TF34 engines should be
submitted for periods that end on what dates?
Status/STAR code 11-90 is the code for what type
of report?
What are the two transmission methods for EOQ
What is the deadline for submission of EOQ
The Aircraft Engine Management System (AEMS)
provides data on inventory management and the
reporting of engines, propulsion systems, and modules.
Aircraft Engine Management Systems, NAVAIRINST
13700.15, is the governing directive for AEMS. A
Status code is used to describe the condition of an
engine, the purpose for which the engine is used, or the
state or progress an engine has reached in the
maintenance cycle. The 11 series Status code is used to
describe an installed operating engine. A STAR code
describes or gives the reason for strikes, transfers,
acquisitions, or removals. A STAR code is always used
with an aircraft engine Status code and amplifies the
Status code.
A controlling custodian is advised of the change of
the status, use, or custody of an aircraft engine by an
engine transaction report (ETR). An ETR can report a
single transaction or several transactions of an
evolution (for example, removal and transfer of an
engine and subsequent receipt and installation of a
replacement engine). AEMS on-line reporting is the
preferred method of submitting ETRs for shore-based
activities. ETRs are numbered sequentially throughout
the calendar year. Data elements 0 through 6 and item
19 are mandatory on all ETRs. When flight hours are
reported on an ETR, tenth of hours are dropped without
rounding off the hours. ETRs should be retained on file
for at least 24 months. After notification of an ETR
error by higher authority, an ETR correction report
should be submitted within 24 hours.
The Aircraft Engine Record card provides for a
standardized record for local management of aircraft
engines. An Aircraft Engine Record card should be
retained for 6 months after an engine is transferred.
The type of engine that is being reported upon
determines the quarter in which an end-of-quarter
(EOQ) report is submitted. The Status/STAR code
11-90 is the code for an EOQ report. An EOQ report
may be submitted by the AEMS on-line computer or by
naval message. The deadline for an EOQ report is 1200
hours on the 5th working day that follows the end of the
reporting period.
In this chapter, we discussed the importance of
accurate aircraft engine management procedures. We
found that each instance of engine status as well as
change of custody must be reported daily. Like aircraft
inventory reporting, engine management is essential to
any naval aviation activitys primary concernthe
ability to perform its mission.