OTHER (continued)
Backfire(s) in Flight
Internal Failure Cause Unk
Cylinder Failure
Nose Case Crack
Damaged in Transit
Diffuser Cracked
Prop Shaft Loose
Engine Decoupled
Rear Case Cracked
Engine Seizure
Sudden Stoppage
Faulty Handling/Dropped
Super Charger Case Cracked
Front/Rear Case Cracked
NOTE (1): This code to be used on T-56, T400, T700, F404 and other modular engine sections (RFI sections)
removed as a result of a failure in an associated module.
NOTE (2): This code is used when reporting custodians are directed by Type Commander/Functional Wing/
Commanding General Marine Air Wing and Commander Carrier Air Wing to remove an RFI engine from an
aircraft and transfer to another reporting custodian.
NOTE (3): Enter in remarks of ETR the nomenclature of the high time component.
NOTE (4): Enter in remarks of ETR the actual discrepancy vice the words Excessive Maintenance.
* Reciprocating Engines Only
Figure 9-4.AEMS Engine/Module/Removal/Downgrade/Repair codesContinued.
module asset (for example, COMNAVAIRLANT,
COMNAVAIRPAC, CNATRA, and so forth). The
reporting custodian usually reports directly to the
controlling custodian.
Item 9Flight hours since new. Self-
explanatory. Drop all tenths of hours and do not round
off or include test cell hours. Operating hours since new
should reflect operating hours recorded in the
applicable AESR. If less than five digits, add leading
zeros; for example, 00104.
Item 10Reporting custodian received from/
transferred to. Enter the UIC of the activity the engine
was received from or is being transferred to.
Item 11New controlling custodian trans-
ferred to. Identifies the new controlling custodian, by
UIC, who will receive the engine.
Item 12Aircraft model. This field identifies the
model aircraft in which the engine is being installed or
removed; for example, P3C.
Item 13BUNO. Reports the six-digit bureau
number (BUNO) of the aircraft that the engine is being
installed in or removed from.
Item 14Engine position. Indicates the position
in which the engine is/was installed. For example, on a
dual (2) engine aircraft, when the starboard (right)
engine is removed, the entry should be 2.
Item 15Reason for removal/repair/down-
grade. This code describes why an engine is being
removed or downgraded, or why the engine needs
repair. Figure 9-4 shows a list of authorized reasons for
removal, downgrade, and repair codes that are used in
engine transaction reporting.
Item 16Quick Engine Change Assembly
(QECA). This item is reported to identify engines that
are completely assembled with a Quick Engine Change
Kit (QECK) and configured for a specific position. If a
QEC does not have a specific position, report X.
Item 17BCM/Inspection code. This code
(beyond the capability of maintenance) identifies an
engine that has been rejected by an I-level maintenance
activity. This code identifies engines that I-level
activities are not authorized to repair or are not able to
repair due to lack of facilities, tools, equipment,
technical data, technical skill, or parts.