will be outfitted to accomplish repair of that
FIX PHASEThe portion of a scheduled inspection
that involves the correction of discrepancies found
during the look phase.
supply data base management system used by most
major naval air activities to support the IMA supply
under the requisitioning, rationing, and issue
control of the aviation TYCOMs, COMNAVAIR-
LANT/COMNAVAIRPAC, or their designated
controlling agencies.
celerated flight program that lasts approximately
100 flight hours per aircraft. Normally conducted
at the NAVAIRWARCENACDIV Patuxent River
for the purpose of introducing a new model to fleet
personnel for indoctrination in the operation and
maintenance of the aircraft. A secondary purpose is
to provide a further check on the readiness of the
aircraft for fleet delivery.
FLYABLEAn aircraft in such material condition as
to be safe and capable of normal flight operations
without regard to capability to perform a specific
mission, weather, personnel availability, base
condition, fuel condition, armament, or flight
FMCFull Mission CapableMaterial condition of
an aircraft that can perform all of its missions. FMC
is subdivided into FMC Maintenance (M) and
FMC Supply (S). FMC Hours = MC Hours - (PMC
Hours + OPC Hours).
FMCMFull Mission Capable MaintenanceThe
material condition of an FMC aircraft that is not
OPC because of maintenance requirements
existing on inoperable subsystem(s) which degrade
the end item from OPC to FMCM. FMCM time
starts when the condition is discovered, except
when the discovery is made in flight. In flight
malfunction FMCM time starts at the termination
of flight. FMCM time stops when maintenance is
completed or interrupted by a supply shortage.
Work stoppage resulting from parts nonavailability
is reported as FMCS. FMCM time resumes when
required supply item(s) are delivered to the
maintenance activity. FMCM Hours = FMC
Hours - FMCS Hours.
FMCSFull Mission Capable SupplyThe material
condition of an FMC aircraft not OPC because
maintenance required to correct the discrepancy
which degrades the end item from OPC to FMCM
cannot continue because of a supply shortage.
FMCS time starts when a supply demand has been
made for an item required to continue maintenance.
FMCS time stops at the time the material is
delivered to the designated delivery point or
change of EOC Code. FMCS Hours = FMC Hours -
FMCM Hours.
FODForeign Object DamageDamage to aero-
nautical equipment (for example, aircraft, engines,
missiles, drones, SE) caused by an object(s)
external to the equipment. (Gas turbine engine
FOD is defined as damage that exceeds serviceable
limits caused by ingestion of objects not organic to
the damaged engine.)
FPTFirst Pilot Time.
FREDSFlight Readiness Evaluation Data System.
FSFleet Support.
FUNCTIONAL TESTThe testing of installed
aircraft/engines, accessories, and equipage to
determine proper functioning, particularly with
respect to the applicable system.
GAS TURBINE ENGINESAll turbine engines,
whether used to power flight (including target
drones, missiles, and missile targets), for auxiliary
power, or for starting purposes. Airborne or ground
units are included in the meaning of this term.
GENADMIN General Administration (message).
GFEGovernment Furnished EquipmentEquip-
ment that has been selected and is to be furnished
by the government to a contractor or government
activity for installation in, use with, or in support of
the aeronautical system. during production,
conversion, or modification.
GTEGas Turbine Engine.
HMRHazardous Material Report.
HOT REFUELINGAn operational evolution where
an aircraft is refueled while the engine(s) is (are)
HOT SEATINGAn operational evolution where the
pilot/crew of an aircraft is changed while the