LRCALocal Repair Cycle AssetAny repairable
item in an activitys OSI or fixed allowance for
which local repair capability exists.
LUILife Usage IndexA measurement which
determines the life of an engine based on thermal
and dynamic loads experienced during engine
MAFMaintenance Action FormA multi-purpose
document used in the MDS and the VIDS.
MAGMarine Aircraft Group.
MAGNETIC PARTICLEA method that uses
magnetic fields for the purpose of detecting fine
discontinuities at or near the surface of the part.
This method is limited to ferromagnetic materials.
MAINTAINABILITY The ability to maintain an
item in, or restore to, a specific operational
condition by expending resources, including
man-hours, at an acceptable rate when using
prescribed procedures and resources.
MAINTENANCEThe function of retaining
material in, or restoring it to, a serviceable
condition. Its phases include servicing, repair,
modification, modernization, overhaul, rebuild,
test, reclamation, inspection, condition
determination, and the initial provisioning of
support items. The term has a very general
meaning, ranging from a matter of minutes of
squadron servicing, to a matter of months of
industrial activity rework; the provision of
maintenance material itself is within the meaning.
Maintenance should be qualified to convey a
specific meaning.
to retain material in a serviceable condition or to
restore it to serviceability. It includes inspection,
testing, servicing, classification as to service-
ability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation.
MAINTENANCE ACTIONAny one of a number
of types of specific maintenance operations
necessary to retain an item in or restore it to a
specified condition.
(activity or unit) of the naval establishment
assigned the mission, task, or functional
responsibility of performing aircraft upkeep or
rework. Use of the term refers to organizations and
personnel occupying aircraft maintenance facilities
and using aircraft maintenance material but does
not include reference to the facilities or material
themselves. Aircraft maintenance activities are
classified as to levels of maintenance performed.
The highest level a particular activity is responsible
for performing is established as the activitys
classification. This classification does not
necessarily mean the activity involved is
responsible for all lower levels of maintenance.
MAINTENANCE CODECodes assigned to
support items to indicate the maintenance levels
authorized to remove and replace, repair, overhaul,
assemble, inspect and test, and condemn items.
Also assigned to maintenance tools and end items
of SE to indicate the lowest level of maintenance
requiring the item.
envisioned methods that will be employed to
sustain the aeronautical system/equipment at a
defined level of readiness or in a specified
condition in support of the operational
requirement. This includes significant aeronautical
system/equipment characteristics; for example,
built-in test, compatibility with existing or planned
test and SE, and a generalization of logistics
support element requirements (manpower,
equipment, facilities, and workload distribution
throughout the defined maintenance level). The
maintenance concept is initially stated by the
government for design and support planning
purposes and provides the basis or point of
departure for development of the plan to maintain.
The maintenance concept may be influenced or
modified by economic, technical, or logistics
considerations as the design development of the
aeronautical system/equipment proceeds.
activity responsible for the activitys aircraft
maintenance functions, also considered a
maintenance activity. In the shore establishment,
stations responsible for I-level maintenance will
have maintenance departments.
extensiveness of aircraft maintenance functions;
for example, the extent of disassembly, the
complexity of a test.
aircraft maintenance activity geographically
separated from but administered by the parent