Corps aviation maintenance units personnel to
record flight and maintenance actions. O-level
maintenance managers can use this data to quickly
obtain timely and accurate aircraft and equipment
maintenance status, scheduled maintenance
requirements, and additional information required-
in their day-to-day management and decision-
making process.
areas from a centralized data bank of integrated
aviation logistics information.
NALDANaval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis
An automated database and information retrieval
system for aviation logistics management and
technical decision support. Analysis capability is
provided through interactive query and batch
processing from remote terminals. As a MIS,
NALDA assists users in making improved
decisions affecting fleet aircraft readiness. Users
can define, identify, and isolate logistics problem
NALISNavy Logistics Information System.
NAMDRPNaval Aviation Maintenance Discre-
pancy Reporting Program.
NAMPNaval Aviation Maintenance Program.
NAMPSOPNaval Aviation Maintenance Program
Standard Operating ProceduresStandard operat-
ing procedures for maintenance programs and
processes that provides standard procedures in
sufficient detail to not require additional
instructions written below COMNAVAIRSYS-
COM level.
NAMTRAGRUNaval Air Maintenance Training
GroupAn organization under the military
command of CNET, responsible for providing, by
means of the NAMTRAGRUDETs, technical
training for officers and enlisted personnel in the
operation, maintenance, and repair of air weapons
systems and associated equipment.
NAMTRAGRUDETNaval Air Maintenance Train-
ing Group DetachmentA group of instructors
equipped with naval air maintenance trainer(s),
training aids, lesson guides, and training literature.
NARRNarrative (message).
NASNaval Air Station.
NATECNaval Air Technical Data and Engineering
Service Command.
NATOPS MANUALNaval Air Training and
Operating Procedures StandardizationA manual
of general flight and operating instructions
applicable within the naval aviation establishment
issued for individual aircraft which are intended to
complement OPNAVINST 3710.7. The Naval Air
Training and Operating Procedures Standard-
ization (NATOPS) General Flight and Operating
Instructions, OPNAVINST 3710.7, outlines
procedures for documenting the NAVFLIR.
NAVAIRNaval Air Systems Command.
NAVAIRSYSCOMNaval Air Systems Com-
mandNAVAIRSYSCOM issues scheduled
maintenance requirements through PMS
publications for every model of Navy and Marine
Corps aircraft.
NAVAIRSYSCOM FSNaval Air Systems Com-
mand Fleet Support.
Center Aircraft Division.
NAVAVNDEPOTNaval Aviation Depot.
NAVFLIRNaval Aircraft Flight RecordThis form
is prepared for each attempt at flight of naval
aircraft or training evolutions for simulators.
NAVFLIRSNaval Flight Record SubsystemThe
Naval Flight Record Subsystem serves as a single,
integrated source of flight data for AV-3M,
FREDS, IFARS, NALIS, and up-line reporting to
other systems.
NAVICPNaval Inventory Control Point.
NAVOPNaval Operations (message).
NAVPRONaval Plant Representative Office.
NAVSEALOGCEN Naval Sea Logistics Center.
NAVSUP PUBNavy Supply Publication.
NAVSUPSYSCOMNaval Supply Systems Com-
instructions and notices employing the standard
subject identification code numbering system for
identification and filing purposes. The system is
used throughout the Navy for issuing directives on
policy, organization, administrative methods, or
NCNot Carried.
NDINondestructive InspectionMethods that may
be applied to a structure or component to determine
its integrity, composition, physical, electrical,