PEDPeriod End Date-The month and year in
which the current operating service period expires
for a given aircraft and is subject to authorized
adjustments resulting from ASPA evaluations.
PERCENT DEFECTIVEThe number of defective
units of production multiplied by 100, the product
of which is divided by the total number of units of
formed on a unit of SE, in both the static and
functional state, to detect defects that may have
occurred since the last inspection. The period for
performance of these inspections is established in
increments of weeks.
PHASE INSPECTIONA series of related
inspections performed sequentially at specific
intervals. These inspections are the result of
dividing the maintenance requirements into small
packages containing approximately the same
PHYSICAL CUSTODYActual possession of the
aircraft or SE for a definite purpose. This does not
necessarily imply reporting custody.
PIPublication Identifier.
PIPELINEIn logistics, the channel of support or a
specific portion thereof by means of which material
or personnel flow from sources of procurement to
their point of use. It includes all program aircraft in
logistic support of the operating segment of the
PJTPractical Job TrainingStructured hands-on
training conducted by the fleet readiness squadron
or supporting AIMD involving an arranged
problem, task, or sequence in an educational
PLAPlain Language Address.
document that identifies actions or tasks in the
specific order needed to accomplish an objective.
This document assigns to each action, the office
responsible, and the start and completion date for
each action.
PLTSParts Life Tracking SystemAn automated
system used for tracking the composition, location,
and operating time/cycle counts or life usage
indexes of aircraft engines, propulsion systems,
modules, and life limited components. PLTS is
used to develop long-range schedules for
inspections, removals, replacements, procure-
ments, and rework schedules for these components,
based on usage requirements and fixed or variable
usage rates. It provides important support to the
RCM Program.
PMPreventive MaintenanceThe care and servic-
ing needed to maintain aircraft equipment, SE, and
facilities in satisfactory operating condition by
providing for systematic inspection, detection, and
correction of incipient failures either before they
occur or before they develop into major defects.
PMCPartial Mission CapableMaterial condition
of an aircraft that can perform at least one but not
all of its missions. PMC is subdivided into PMCM
and PMCS. PMC Hours = MC Hours - (OPC
Hours + FMC Hours).
PMCMPartial Mission Capable MaintenanceThe
material condition of an aircraft that can perform at
least one but not all of its missions because of
maintenance requirements existing on the
inoperable subsystem(s). PMCM time starts when
the condition is discovered, except when the
discovery is made in flight in which case PMCM
time starts at the termination of flight. PMCM time
stops when maintenance is completed or
interrupted by a supply shortage. Work stoppage
resulting from parts nonavailability is reported as
PMCS. PMCM time resumes when required
supply item(s) are delivered to the maintenance
activity. PMCM Hours = PMC Hours - PMCS
PMCSPartial Mission Capable SupplyMaterial
condition of an aircraft that can perform at least one
but not all of its missions because maintenance
required to correct the discrepancy cannot continue
because of a supply shortage. PMCS time starts
when a supply demand has been made for an item
required to continue maintenance. PMCS time
stops at the time the material is delivered to the
designated delivery point or change of EOC Code.
PMCS Hours = PMC Hours - PMCM Hours.
PMEPrecision Measuring EquipmentDevices
used to measure, gauge, test, inspect, diagnose, or
examine material, supplies, and equipment to
determine compliance with requirements
established in technical documents; for example,
research, development, test, and evaluation
documents, specifications, engineering drawings,
technical orders, technical manuals, maintenance
instructions, and serviceability standards.