tasks such as modernization, modification, or
repair equipment.
SRAShop Replaceable AssemblyA generic term
which includes all the packages within a WRA
including chassis and wiring as a unit. (Sub-level
mechanization or modular subdivisions within an
SRA may occur.) Conversely, a WRA is composed
entirely of SRAs.
SRCScheduled Removal Component.
SRSSupply Response SectionThe section of the
aviation supply that receives requests for material
and causes the issue and delivery of the requested
material to be made.
SSCCStandard Subject Classification Code.
SSICStandard Subject Identification Code.
SSKSeat Survival Kit.
STATISTICAL ANALYSISThe science of draw-
ing conclusions from observed data by using
statistical techniques and methods proven to be
mathematically valid.
STATISTICAL DATAAn accumulation of data
which may be graphically presented or tabulated
for use in determining the quality level being
produced by any specific manufacturing, repair
overhaul, or inspection process.
control of quality through the application of
statistical techniques to inspection/verification
methods and process analysis.
STATUS CODES (MILSTRIP)Codes that furnish
information from supply sources to requisitioners
or cosigners on the status of requisitions. Supply
status (except rejection status, code C) predicts
shipment on time as specified by the priority
delivery date or the required delivery date.
STRIKEThe official action that removes an aircraft
from the list of Navy aircraft.
SUBASSEMBLYTwo or more parts that form a
portion of an assembly or a unit, replaceable as a
whole, but having a part or parts that are
individually replaceable.
SUBJSubject (correspondence, message).
SUBSYSTEMSA combination of two or more
pieces of equipment, generally physically
separated when in operation, and such other
components, assemblies, subassemblies and parts
necessary to perform an operational function or
SUFSuffixThe suffix is an alphanumeric code
added to the basic JCN to identify a subassembly or
sub-subassembly (component within a component)
repair action performed independently of a major
repair action.
TAMSTest and Monitoring System.
TARGET DRONEA converted man-carrying
aircraft used as an airborne target, capable of either
manned flight, being remotely controlled, or
preprogrammed for unmanned flight.
TATTurnaround TimeTAT is:
The time period that commences with the time
an aircraft is removed from an operating unit to
undergo a rework process and terminates when
the reworked aircraft is returned to an
operating unit. A change of reporting and
controlling custody is not necessarily involved;
however, a change in physical custody is
always involved. TAT is the sum of the
following: time enroute from an operating unit
to the naval facility, time awaiting rework,
time in rework, time awaiting flight check after
rework, time in a COMNAVAIRSYSCOM
ready-for-issue status, and time enroute to an
operating unit.
The time needed to service, inspect, and check
an item prior to recommitment.
The interval between the time a repairable item
is removed from use and the time it is available
for reissue in a serviceable condition.
TDTechnical DirectiveA document authorized
and issued by COMNAVAIRSYSCOM to provide
technical information necessary to properly and
systematically inspect or alter the configuration of
aircraft, engines, systems, or equipment,
subsequent to establishment of each respective
baseline configuration. TDs include all types of
changes and bulletins and consist of information
that cannot be disseminated satisfactorily by
revisions to technical manuals. NATEC controls
assignment of TD numbers.
TD CODETechnical Directive CodeA two-char-
acter numeric code that identifies the type of TD.
tive Identification CodeA 12- or 13-character
alphanumeric code used to identify a specific TD.