TDSATechnical Directive Status Accounting-An
on-line configuration status accounting system for
naval aircraft, engines, support equipment,
maintenance trainers, and weapon system
TECType Equipment CodeA four-character code
used to identify the complete end item or category
of equipment being worked on; for example,
aircraft, engine, or SE. A complete listing of TECs
may be found in the Aviation Type Equipment
Code List A7210-01.
TECHNICAL DATAData required for the
accomplishment of logistics and engineering
audiovisual presentation required to guide
personnel in the performance of operating and
support tasks.
processes in support of the contract end item. It
includes drawings, operating and maintenance
instructions, provisioning information,
specifications, inspection and test procedures,
instruction cards and equipment placards,
engineering and support analysis data, special
purpose computer programs, and other forms of
TECHNICAL MANUALA publication containing
a description of equipment, weapons, or weapon
system(s) with instructions for effective use.
Included are one or more of the following sections:
instructions covering initial preparation for use,
operational instructions, modification instructions,
maintenance instructions, parts lists or parts
breakdown, and related technical information or
procedures, exclusive of those of an administrative
TENANTAny activity that will be aboard a ship or
station for a period of time sufficient to require
specific assignment of shop, hangar, crew, and
equipment or line spaces. Activities may use a
facility as an assigned tenant or as a joint tenant.
Specific spaces may be assigned on a rotational,
seasonal, occasional, or transient basis as
TESTSubjecting an aircraft, airframe, engine,
accessory, or item of equipage to prescribed
conditions to determine if it will function per
predetermined requirements.
alphabetic code that identifies the type of time or
cycle data recorded on the item.
T/MType Maintenance CodeA one-character
alpha or numeric code that describes the type of
maintenance action being performed.
TMTechnical Manual or Type Maintenance.
TMINSTechnical Manual Identification Numbering
TMRTotal Mission Requirements.
TOLTailored Outfitting ListAn allowance list,
which is tailored for each aviation training activity
and I-level and D-level maintenance activity.
TPDRTechnical Publication Deficiency Report.
TRANSACTION CODEA two-character numeric
code used to denote the type of data being reported
and to indicate the record type to be produced.
TRANSFERThe act of conveying reporting/
controlling custody of an aircraft/SE to another
formed at the time an aircraft changes physical or
reporting custody. It includes an inventory of items
listed in the AIR, verification of CADs and AEPSs,
configuration verification, and a daily inspection.
CAD, AEPS, and configuration verifications are
performed by visual external inspection and record
examination only. Disassembly beyond daily in-
spection requirements of applicable PMS publica-
tions is not required. Flight hours should be
verified as correct on the Monthly Flight Summary
(OPNAV 4790/21A) by checking the Period and
Since New blocks. In addition, correct operating
hours should be verified on the Equipment
Operating Record (OPNAV 4790/31A) by
checking the ACCUM block. Activities may elect
to increase inspection depth if the aircraft material
condition or record examination indicates such
action is warranted. Aircraft transferred from a
depot or commercial repair activity require
hydraulic fluid sampling prior to transfer.
performed at the time a reporting custodian trans-
fers an item of SE on a permanent basis. It includes
an inventory of all records and components that
make up the item of SE, a configuration
verification, a preoperational inspection as
required by the applicable MRCs, and a functional
test. The activity transferring the SE may elect to
increase the depth of inspection if the SE condition