CardThe PMIC is the PMS publication that
contains the component/assembly removal/
replacement schedule, airframe structural life
limits, and a maintenance requirements systems
index. It also contains a conditional inspection
listing and a phase change implementation card
(included as required).
PMSPlanned Maintenance System.
POSITPosition Sensitive IndicatorThe two-digit
PSI of a component that has been identified in the
applicable WUC manual by a double asterisk (**).
Position sensitive indicators are used to evaluate
performance and/or logistics characteristics
between identical components.
PPCPower Plant Change.
PRAircrew Survival Equipmentman.
functional inspection, performed by the activity
having physical custody, to verify that a unit of SE
is properly serviced and ready for use. These
inspections are performed prior to each use as
specified on the MRCs.
PROCUREMENT The process of obtaining per-
sonnel, services, supplies, and equipment.
accepted from the contractor by the Navy. They
include all Navy aircraft procured for operational
or training purposes, that is, all aircraft except those
procured solely for experimental purposes. Every
Navy aircraft is either experimental or production.
organization within the IMA responsible for
workload control.
PRODUCTION DIVISIONAny division in the
IMA responsible for a specific production
workload; for example, avionics, power plants.
configuration change to the product baseline
incorporated by the manufacturer during
production. The configuration change must have
been approved for retrofit on in-service equipment
via a TD.
PSSN Propulsion System Serial NumberThe same
as engine serial number. Modular engines will be
assigned a PSSN which identifies the complete
engine as an assembly.
PUCPermanent Unit CodeThe six-character
number permanently assigned to each reporting
custodian of aircraft. The master code list is
maintained by the CNO. PUCs may be obtained by
the cognizant ACC for assignment to newly formed
units by correspondence, message, or DSN
telephone call.
QAQuality AssuranceA planned and systematic
pattern of all the actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that the item or product
conforms to established technical requirements.
QARQuality Assurance Representative.
QECQuick Engine Change such as in the following:
QECA - Assembly
QECK - Kit
QECS - Stand
QDRQuality Deficiency Report.
RADIOGRAPHICA method that uses X rays or
similar radiation for the purpose of penetrating or
being scattered by substances to reveal flaws or
defects in the part or structure being examined.
RCMReliability Centered MaintenanceA dis-
ciplined logic or methodology used to identify
preventive maintenance tasks to realize the
inherent reliability of equipment at least
expenditure of resources.
RECTYPRecord Type.
RECURRING REPORTA periodic or situation
report. A periodic report is one that is to be
prepared regularly at prescribed time intervals such
as monthly or quarterly. A situation report is one
that is to be prepared whenever an event or
situation of a previously specified type occurs.
REFERENCE NUMBERA number used to
identify an item of production or a range of items of
production by the manufacturer controlling the
design, characteristics, and production of the item
by means of its engineering drawings,
specifications, and inspection requirements.
REFReference (correspondence, message).
REFERENCE SYMBOLAn alphanumeric code
used to identify piece parts as distinct from other
items of the same part number in a single
subassembly or circuit, such as four of the same
diodes within a circuit; each has the same part
number but a different reference symbol.