tion in naval aviation of an MF is to provide
relocatable housing for aviation weapon systems
and SE maintenance and related functions. They
may be used on board ship as well as ashore.
MFRMemorandum for the RecordAn MFR is
used as an internal document to record supporting
information that is not recorded elsewhere.
Although informal, the MFR should be dated,
signed, and show the signers organizational code.
MFSMonthly Flight Summary.
MILSTRAPMilitary Standard Transportation and
Movement ProceduresA procedure to enlarge
MILSTRIP by extending the uniform
communicating procedures, codes, forms, and
formats for the transmission of items and the
financial inventory data.
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and
Issue ProcedureA uniform procedure es-
tablished by the DOD for its own use to govern
requisition and issue of material within standard
MIMMaintenance Instructions ManualContains
instructions for and O-level, I-level, and D-level
maintenance and servicing of a specific weapon
system and related airborne equipment including
MISManagement Information System.
MISHAP, AIRCRAFTA naval aircraft mishap is
an unplanned event or series of events, directly
involving naval aircraft which result in ten
thousand dollars or greater cumulative damage to
naval aircraft, other aircraft (DOD or non-DOD),
and property (DOD or non-DOD). Property
damage includes costs to repair or replace
facilities, equipment, or material or an injury as
defined in OPNAVINST 3750.6.
The objective, the task together with the
purpose, which clearly indicates the action to
be taken and the reason for it;
In common usage, especially when applied to
lower military units, a duty/task assigned to an
individual; and
The dispatching of one or more aircraft to
accomplish one particular task.
MISSION ESSENTIALAnything authorized and
assigned to the approved combat and combat
support forces which would be immediately
employed to wage war and provide support for
combat actions.
tems of an aircraft required to perform the
designated missions as determined by use of the
applicable MESM.
MMCOMaintenance Material Control Officer.
MMPMonthly Maintenance PlanProvides for
scheduled control of the predictable maintenance
MOMaintenance Officer.
MODULAR ENGINESThose engines consisting
of several independent assemblies called modules,
which by design can be removed/replaced without
major disassembly of the engine or other modules;
for example, compressor, combustion, turbine,
afterburner, gearbox, torquemeter, or combination
MP & TManpower, Personnel, and Training as in
manpower, personnel, and training coordinator.
MRMaterial Reporting.
MRCMaintenance Requirements CardSets of
cards issued by COMNAVAIRSYSCOM, contain
scheduled maintenance requirements applicable to
I-level and O-level activities for the specific
aircraft/SE for which they are issued.
MSGIDMessage Identification.
MSRModule Service Record.
MTMaintenance Time.
MTFMessage Text Format (message).
MTIPMaintenance Training Improvement Pro-
NADEPFor the most part, civilians man naval
aviation depots (NADEPs), which are Navy
depot-level maintenance facilities. Military
personnel at a NADEP help perform the
intermediate and organizational maintenance work
that is related to the depot facility.
NALCOMIS OMANaval Aviation Logistics
Command Management Information System
Organizational Level Maintenance ActivityA
modern, real time, on-line responsive computer-
based automated MIS, allows Navy and Marine