thermal properties, or dimensions without causing
a change in any of these characteristics.
NECNavy Enlisted Classification.
out regard to model or configuration that are in the
first year of operational use by the fleet or training
commands and not deployed aboard ships or
NIINNational Item Identification NumberA
two-digit National Codification Bureau code
combined with seven other digits.
NINCNot Incorporated.
NISNot In Stock.
NITRASNavy Integrated Training Resources and
Administration SystemAn automated system
responsive to training information requirements
from higher commands, provides automated
capability to manage and support the training effort
throughout the Navy.
NLTNot Later Than.
NMCNot Mission CapableMaterial condition of
an aircraft that is not capable of performing any of
its missions. NMC is subdivided into NMCM and
NMCS. NMC Hours = EIS Hours - MC Hours.
NMCMNot Mission Capable MaintenanceThe
material condition of an aircraft that is not capable
of performing any of its missions because of
maintenance requirements. NMCM time starts
when the condition is discovered except when the
discovery is made in flight in which case NMCM
time starts at the termination of flight. NMCM
stops when maintenance is completed or
interrupted by a supply shortage. Work stoppage
resulting from parts nonavailability is reported as
NMCS. NMCM time resumes when required
supply item(s) are delivered to the maintenance
activity. NMCM is further defined as NMCM
scheduled (S) and NMCM unscheduled (U).
NMCM Hours = NMC Hours - NMCS Hours.
NMCMSNot Mission Capable Maintenance
ScheduledThe sum of equipment maintenance
hours. documented for scheduled engine
inspections, special inspections, phase inspections,
and conditional inspections. An aircraft will be
considered NMCMS if panels and equipment
removed to conduct area inspections cannot be
replaced within 2 hours or if the aircraft has been
utilized to the maximum allowable operating limit
prior to the scheduled maintenance requirement;
for example, +10 percent, +3 days. NMCMS =
Hours NMCM Hours - NMCMU Hours.
NMCMUNot Mission Capable Maintenance Un-
NMCSNot Mission Capable SupplyThe material
condition of an aircraft that is not capable of
performing any of its missions because
maintenance required to correct the discrepancy
cannot continue due to a supply shortage. NMCS
time starts when a supply demand has been made
for (an) item(s) required to continue maintenance.
NMCS time stops at the time the material is
delivered to the designated delivery point or
change of EOC Code. NMCS Hours = NMC
Hours - NMCM Hours.
NOAPNavy Oil Analysis Program.
the purpose of flight operations, not currently
filling an authorized allowance in an organizational
NOTICESDirectives of a onetime nature or those
applicable for a brief period of time. Each notice
contains provisions for its own cancellation.
Notices employ a subject classification numbering
system and are part of the Navy directive system.
NSNNational Stock Number.
O-LEVEL (Organizational-Level) MAINTE-
responsibility of, and is performed by, a using
organization on its assigned equipment. Its phases
normally consist of inspecting, servicing,
lubricating, adjusting, and replacing parts, minor
assemblies, and subassemblies.
O&MNOperations and Maintenance, Navy.
OFF-EQUIPMENT WORKFor the purpose of
MDR, it includes all maintenance actions
performed on removed, repairable components,
usually at the IMA.
OINCOfficer In Charge.
OJT On-The-Job Training-Training at the squad-
ron or other local activity level in the performance
of a task or duty during operational or maintenance
OMAOrganizational Maintenance Activity.
OMDOperations Maintenance Division.