that provides users with an accurate means to
process, store, and retrieve information on
Aviation Life Support System (ALSS) items, such
as parachutes.
SECNAVSecretary of the Navy.
SERSerial NumberA number that identifies a
specific end item or component. The number is
usually assigned by the manufacturer and is used to
differentiate between a particular end item or
component and others of the same T/M/S, design,
and so forth.
ment Information System.
SERMISSupport Equipment Resources Manage-
SERVICE LIFEThe time period during which the
item can be maintained in service without
replacement. Each program aircraft, from
acceptance to strike, follows a life cycle consisting
of alternate periods of operating and rework time as
prescribed for each model by OPNAVINST
3110.11. Aircraft become eligible for strike
upon completion of the life cycle specified for the
SERVICE PERIODA prescribed segment of the
service life of aircraft subject to the SDLM process,
such as a stated number of calendar months or
accumulated flight hours that an aircraft is in the
physical custody of an operating activity for use
prior to SDLM or retirement. The number and
length of standard service periods, together with
associated planning factors and policies, are set
forth in OPNAVINST 3110.11.
SERVICEABLE The condition of an end item in
which all requirements for repair, bench check,
overhaul, or modification (as applicable) have been
accomplished, making it capable of performing the
function or requirements for which originally
designed. The fact that signs of previous use are
apparent does not necessarily mean it is
unserviceable. When appearance is not a primary
consideration, and the condition of the item meets
all safety and performance requirements, it will be
processed as serviceable.
SERVICINGThe replenishment of consumables
needed to keep an item in operating condition, but
not including any other preventive mainte-
SESSSupport Equipment Standardization System
A microcomputer-based asset control system for
SETA unit or units and the necessary assemblies,
subassemblies, and parts connected or associated
together to perform an operational function.
SLEPService Life Extension ProgramAs one
element of Conversion in Lieu of Procurement, is
the restoration/replacement of a primary aircraft
structure which has reached its life limit.
SM&R CODESource,
Recoverability CodeA collective code assigned
to items during the provisioning, source coding, or
the selection process to convey specific infor-
mation to maintenance and supply personnel. The
SM&R Code consists of three parts: a source code,
a maintenance code, and a recoverability code.
SMQSpecial Maintenance Qualification.
SOFTWAREA set of programs, documents,
procedures, and routines associated with the
operation of a computer system.
SORTIEAn operational flight by one aircraft.
SOURCE CODECode assigned to support items
(spares, repair parts, components, parts, kits,
special tools, test equipment, and SE) to indicate
the manner of acquiring items for the maintenance,
repair, or overhaul of end items.
SPARESArticles identical to, or interchangeable
with, the end articles on contract that are procured
over and above the quantity needed for initial
installation for support of an aeronautical system.
components of assemblies used for maintenance
replacement purposes in major end items of
equipment. Repair parts are those piece parts, such
as individual parts or nonrepairable assemblies,
required for the repair of spares or major end items.
SPECIAL INSPECTIONA scheduled inspection
with a prescribed interval other than daily, phase,
major engine, or SDLM. The intervals are specified
in the applicable PMS publication and are based on
elapsed calendar time, flight hours, operating
hours, or number of cycles or events; for example,
7, 14, 28 days; 50, 100, 200 hours; 10, 100
arrestments; or 5000 rounds fired.
SPECIAL REWORKThe work done to aircraft,
aircraft equipment, and aircraft SE to improve or
change their capability to perform specific
missions or functions by replacement, removal,
addition, alteration, or repair of parts on equipment
of the aircraft. Special aircraft rework includes