ON-CONDITION TASKA scheduled inspection to
determine that equipment is and will remain in
satisfactory condition until the next scheduled
ON-EQUIPMENT WORKFor the purpose of
MDR, it includes those maintenance actions
accomplished on complete end items; for example,
aircraft, drones, SE, and removed engines.
OPCOptimum Performance CapableThe material
condition of an aircraft that can perform all
assigned missions with all equipment operational.
OPC Hours = MC Hours - (FMC Hours + PMC
OPEROperations (message).
from its most recent performance history and a
cursory electrical and physical examination,
displays an indication of satisfactory performance
for all of its functions.
OPERATING AIRCRAFTAn aircraft filling an
authorized operating allowance. An aircraft
reported in any of the A-status codes is in an
operating status. Operating status aircraft are
always in the reporting and physical custody of the
operating unit to which assigned. An aircraft that
moves to a rework facility for purposes of rework
will leave operating status although it may remain
in the reporting custody of the operating unit.
Operating aircraft are in material condition
reporting status.
custodian of naval aircraft, except COMNAV-
AIRSYSCOM FS. Also called air or major
operating command.
OPNAVOffice of the Chief of Naval Operations.
OPSERMOSOperating Service Months.
OPTAROperating Target (funding)Annual funds
(obligational authority) issued by TYCOMs, to
units of the operating forces under their command,
from one of their budgets.
ORG CODEOrganization CodeA structured
three-character alphanumeric code that identifies
activities within a major command.
method of use, signifies that equipment, other than
individual equipment, used in furtherance of the
common mission of an organization or unit.
OSIOperational Support Inventory.
OSLOperating Service Life.
OSMOperating Service MonthOne monthly
increment of operating service life (OPNAVINST
OSPOperating Service Period.
OUT MCRSOut Material Condition Reporting
StatusThe term (inventory codes 1 through 4)
means that an aircraft is in the inventory reporting
system but does not require SCIR documentation.
An aircraft is placed OUT MCRS for depot-level
OVERHAULThe process of disassembly sufficient
to inspect all the operating components and the
basic end article. It includes the repair,
replacement, or servicing as necessary, followed
by the reassembly and bench check or flight test.
Upon completion of the overhaul process, the
component or end article will be capable of
performing its intended service life or service tour.
P&EPlanner and Estimator.
PACEPaint and Corrosion EvaluationAn
on-condition inspection developed to address
special requirements of F/A-18 series aircraft,
occurs at the end of a set operational service period,
within a 9-month window. Details of program
administration are in OPNAVINST 3110.11.
Evaluation specifics are in a Local Engineering
Specification from NAVAVNDEPOT North
Island. The evaluation is performed by D-level
P&E personnel and is requested via normal
procedures for P&E services. The results of PACE
determine the requirement for induction into the
Modification, Corrosion and Paint Program, which
is done by D-level artisans. Documentation
required of the aircraft custodian is equivalent to
aircraft administered by ASPA.
PARTS KITSupporting items and material for the
maintenance, repair, and rework of selected
aeronautical repairable end items procured,
stocked, requisitioned, accounted for, and used on
a kit basis as one line item. Parts kits should not be
confused with the kits issued to perform a onetime
modification of an item or with interim fleet
maintenance support kits.
PARTS KIT CODESCodes assigned to parts kits
and items therein, for the maintenance, repair, and
rework of selected, repairable end items.