5-22.What publication contains detailedinformation on the TDSA system?1.NAVAIR 00-25-1002.NAVAIR 00-25DRT-13.NAVAIR 00-25-3004.NAVAIR 00-25-5005-23.Which of the following records requires asignature with each entry?1.Miscellaneous/History Record2.Equipment History Record3.Installed Explosive Device Record4.Inventory Record5-24.When an aircraft is accepted or transferred,a specific statement is entered on theMiscellaneous/ History record stating thatwhich of the following situations exist?1.Flight hours and operating hours havebeen verified2.All integral parts of the aircraft areaccounted for3.Maximum flight hour and operatinghour limitations have not beenexceeded4.All outstanding inspections have beencompleted5-25.What automated database managementsystem is used to process, store, andretrieve information on cartridge-actuateddevices (CADS) and aircrew escapepropulsion systems (AEPS)?1.SEATS/ICAPS2.ECAMS3.CTLP4.AIRS5-26.Which of the following forms found inaircraft logbook are generated through theSEATS/ICAP program?1.Structural life Limits2.Technical Directive Lists 02 and 043.Miscellaneous/History4.Installed Explosive Device Record5-27.An entry in the aircraft logbook InventoryRecord is required for which of thefollowing actions?1.An aircraft engine reinstallation2.A propeller installation3.An EHR card component installationon the airframe4.An auxiliary power unit (APU)removal5-28.Equipment requiring ASR, EHR, MSR, andSRC cards are listed on the InventoryRecord and should be inventoried duringwhich of the following inspections?1.Daily inspections2.Conditional inspections3.Phase inspections4.Preoperational inspections5-29.Replacement intervals for AssemblyService Record (ASR) items can be foundin the latest edition of what applicablepublication?1.Maintenance Requirements Cards(MRCs)2.Periodic Maintenance InformationCards (PMICs)3.Maintenance Instruction Manuals(MIMs)4.Illustrated Parts Breakdowns (IPBs)42
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